Pattern Lock – easy pin generation

by Heather Laine on September 8, 2022 No comments

We’ve talked a lot about the bigger new widgets that have arrived to enhance your LiveCode. Some of the “minor” widgets are also well worth a look. Today I’m focussing on Pattern Lock. This is actually a really neat little widget that makes it a doddle for your users to pick new pin numbers and login with them in your apps. If this is something you need you’ll love using Pattern Lock.

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Heather LainePattern Lock – easy pin generation

DataGrid vs PolyGrid: Head to Head

by Heather Laine on September 1, 2022 No comments

As an experiment recently, Steven Crighton (LiveCode Product Manager and essentially a non-coder) challenged Ali Lloyd (Senior Developer of LiveCode) to a head to head: Steven would build a specified UI using PolyGrid, and Ali would build it in DataGrid. Which would come out tops? How fast could they build it and how good was the end result?

What are DataGrid and PolyGrid, and Why do they Matter?

These both provide a way to create beautiful, powerful and flexible spreadsheets or tabular layouts in LiveCode. If your app creates reports, you need a grid. If you want to display data for your end user, you need a grid. There are a vast number of uses for this type of object, and a great many apps need it. Up until now, LiveCode’s solution was the built in DataGrid. PolyGrid is the new kid on the block, and this challenge should help you to understand how good a replacement it really is.

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Heather LaineDataGrid vs PolyGrid: Head to Head

I built a responsive web app using our new widgets and libraries

by Steven Crighton on August 18, 2022 7 comments

Over the last couple of months I’ve been diving into some of the new widgets and libraries that have come to LiveCode. I’ve shown you all about building powerful tables using PolyGrid. I’ve demonstrated how easy it is to produce beautiful scrolling lists with PolyList, I even created a replica of the Airbnb list. I’ve put the spotlight on the new Responsive Layout library and it was looking very good indeed whilst making light work of changing layouts as the window size changed. I took you international when showing off the new i18n library to easily manage the translation of our apps into different languages. I’ve demonstrated that even the simplest of widgets such as Circle Avatar can save time on those repeatable tasks we do time and time again. Lastly, I showed you that buttons can be beautiful with the new Power Button widget.

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Steven CrightonI built a responsive web app using our new widgets and libraries

Power Tools

by Mark Wieder on August 15, 2022 No comments

One of the great things about LiveCode is how flexible it is. You can build your own custom IDE elements to optimize your work flow, or you can try out tools created by other LiveCoders. PowerTools is one such tool.

An Alternative Tools Palette

PowerTools is a drop-in replacement plugin for the IDE’s tool palette. It’s an upgrade in three areas:

  • Separation of controls / graphics / widgets
  • Persistent graphic tool properties
  • Widget visualization and organization
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Mark WiederPower Tools

App Architecture Discoveries

by Heather Laine on August 11, 2022 No comments

In this blog over the last few weeks we’ve talked a lot about the various new addons that have become available for LiveCode. (And these are great.) Another part of your MegaBundle download is in danger of being overlooked however, and that is the two great books by Andre Garzia.

As a non-coder, I have been tasked with reviewing them, and my first comment is – I’m actually enjoying reading these books. They are interesting, they are clear, and they are hugely helpful to any new or even moderately experienced LiveCoder. I’m betting there are some tips in these books even our longest standing and most skilled LiveCoders could learn from.

I’m going to focus on LiveCode App Architecture in this post, and hopefully I will be able to review Development Oriented Development at a later date.

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Heather LaineApp Architecture Discoveries

Android API 31 Support

by Heather Laine on August 10, 2022 No comments

We are delighted to announce the release of 9.6.9 RC-1. The major feature of this release is support for Android API 31, which is now a requirement for submitting new apps to the Google Play Store.


The Android engine is now built using version 31 of the Android API.

Options to add audio related permissions to android apps have been added to the standalone builder. read more
Heather LaineAndroid API 31 Support

Building an AirBnb Style List with LiveCode

by Steven Crighton on August 4, 2022 2 comments

With the release of the new PolyList widget, building lists in LiveCode just got a whole lot more powerful. PolyList is a LiveCode widget designed to allow you to build the style of list you want. This could be anything from a simple single column text list to a full blown image gallery list. (You can learn more about PolyList itself here.) This article is a hands on follow along tutorial to show you how to build one specific list style.

Why Airbnb?

I recently set out to build a list that is found on one of the most popular web apps around. I figured if users are going to use PolyList to build web apps then it should be capable of building the best lists on the web. I’m talking about AirBnb, it’s a thing of beauty and I am going to show you exactly how I built it. (If you couldn’t care less about how I built it but still want it, I can relate to that! The example stack is included with the PolyList download via the Extensions Store. Just grab it and use it.)

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Steven CrightonBuilding an AirBnb Style List with LiveCode

A Mobile UI for LiveCode

by Heather Laine on July 28, 2022 2 comments

I recently had the opportunity to interview Bill Hankins, the creator of Litecode. I asked him to tell me all about this great little plugin for LiveCode!

What is Litecode?

Litecode is a Mobile Development Environment created with and based on LiveCode. Litecode can be used as a mobile standalone application to write and test Livecode code on your phone or tablet. Litecode users can write, edit, and test entire projects on a mobile device. Projects can be saved and reopened later for continued production. Litecode comes with an export stack that users can open in the LiveCode IDE to transfer their Litecode mobile work to their desktop LiveCode IDE for finalizing and exporting to standalone versions.

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Heather LaineA Mobile UI for LiveCode