Coding the Future of Mental Health: Dr. Jason Taylor’s LiveCode Breakthrough

by Adam Howard on June 22, 2023 No comments

Meet Dr. Jason Taylor, a psychiatrist whose interest in app development led him to great success using LiveCode to create a groundbreaking mental health application, Historian.

Historian is an app that tracks and creates a summary and risk profile of the user’s mental health based on anonymized data the user inputs over time. This information can then be shared with healthcare professionals, enabling them to gain a more accurate understanding of the individual’s needs and provide targeted treatments more efficiently. Let’s delve into the details of Dr. Taylor’s journey with LiveCode and the positive impact his app has had on improving access to mental health resources.

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Adam HowardCoding the Future of Mental Health: Dr. Jason Taylor’s LiveCode Breakthrough

Using Infinite LiveCode for Android to Create Native Controls and Wrap OS APIs

by Ali Lloyd on June 28, 2017 16 comments

With the release of LiveCode 9.0 DP 7, the amount you can do with the android API has been significantly increased. Firstly, it is possible to use LiveCode Builder to respond to user events, which essentially allows the Android native control syntax (mobileControlCreate, mobileControlSet etc) to be replaced with draggable widget objects and standard LiveCode syntax. Secondly, it is possible to run services in the background, allowing, for example, background audio on Android.

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Ali LloydUsing Infinite LiveCode for Android to Create Native Controls and Wrap OS APIs

LiveCode 9.0 DP 6 – Infinite LiveCode Preview

by Ali Lloyd on March 9, 2017 17 comments
LiveCode 9.0.0 DP-6 has just been released, and is the first developer preview containing the Java Foreign Function Interface (FFI). We’re thrilled to be bringing you this exciting first part of the Infinite LiveCode project. It’s been a longish road to get here and as is typical with such large and complex software projects, there have been a number of frustrating walls to be knocked down en route. I’m proud to say we have overcome these roadblocks, and without further ado, let me get stuck in to telling you how you can use it! Foreign handlers can be written in LiveCode Builder (LCB) which bind to calls on Java classes via the Java Native Interface (JNI). In particular this enables binding to classes in the Android API.

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Ali LloydLiveCode 9.0 DP 6 – Infinite LiveCode Preview

How to Deploy Apps to Android Devices

by Panagiotis Merakos on July 21, 2015 8 comments

Are you writing an app for Android?

Do you want to test your Android app on an actual Android device?

If you are developing for Android and you want to test the app either in a simulator or on a physical android device, then you will need the Android software development kit (SDK). The Android SDK  enables developers to create applications for the Android platform.

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Panagiotis MerakosHow to Deploy Apps to Android Devices

How to Design an App for Android

by Georgia Hutchings on July 10, 2015 8 comments

Do you want create an app for Android?

Have you thought about how you want the User Interface to look?

One thing to consider when creating an app is the design. Using conventions and guidelines based on the platform you are creating for your app will help you to avoid two big problems: breaking conventions and clashing styles.

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Georgia HutchingsHow to Design an App for Android