How to Run Your App in a Browser with HTML5!

by Peter Brett on August 31, 2015 8 comments

The modern web browser has become a fully-featured application platform – and nearly everyone has one.  If you can write a program to run in a modern web browser, you know that it can be run anywhere with no need to install it.

As of now, you can deploy your LiveCode apps to the web. Welcome to HTML5.

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Peter BrettHow to Run Your App in a Browser with HTML5!

How the Business Application Framework Works

by Fraser Gordon on August 31, 2015 2 comments

Wish it was easier to write complex software?

Want an easier way to write applications?

The Business Application Framework (BAF) is a toolkit that assists writing complex software in LiveCode. It does this by making it easier to write applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. But what does this actually mean?

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Fraser GordonHow the Business Application Framework Works

How to Go to The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

by Jana Doughty on August 18, 2015 7 comments

Have you ever been in a place where the population triples for 30 days and no one can walk anywhere faster than a trendy grandmother?

Have you ever had countless performers get in your face with flyers and pitches to see their shows?

Have you heard of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival?

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Edinburgh Fringe Festival takes over the city for the month of August. There are street musicians, buskers, open beer gardens, food trucks, DJs, dancers, acrobats, and living statues galore.

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Jana DoughtyHow to Go to The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Readerly – Sean Miller

by Sean Miller on August 4, 2015 No comments

Are you a developer?

Are you an artist?

Have you ever considered that apps could be art?

I started my own app-as-art journey about a year and a half ago when I had an idea to build an app that would help students develop their critical reading skills. The biggest challenge in building this app (Readerly) has been in coming to terms with how monumental a task building—and marketing—an app can be.

With the idea for Readerly buzzing around in my head, I explored my development options and quickly discovered LiveCode was the ideal tool with which to build my app. Learning to code with LiveCode has helped me to appreciate that it’s possible to be more than just a consumer of other people’s apps. Now that I’m more familiar with the fundamentals of LiveCode as a development platform, my eyes are opened to a host of other possibilities for apps.

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Sean MillerReaderly – Sean Miller

Rural Schools in Africa

by Heather Laine on August 4, 2015 No comments

‘Digital Tools for Rural Schools’ Campaign to Improve Education in Africa

Language learning specialists EuroTalk are experts in their field with 20 years of publishing experience and over 10 million customers. EuroTalk use LiveCode during the authoring process for many of their titles. They also deliver a number of commercial titles using LiveCode.

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Heather LaineRural Schools in Africa

Adam Hyde

by Jana Doughty on August 3, 2015 No comments

“I think LiveCode made it possible for our organization to produce this app. Without it, we wouldn’t have had the ability to do it.”


Adam is a Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Volunteer. His team needed an easy way to educate boaters about water safety, so they created a Safe Boating App with LiveCode that details all the ins and outs of boating safety and educates boaters with the aim to protect and save their lives.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself.

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Jana DoughtyAdam Hyde