Readerly – Sean Miller

by Sean Miller on August 4, 2015 No comments

Are you a developer?

Are you an artist?

Have you ever considered that apps could be art?

I started my own app-as-art journey about a year and a half ago when I had an idea to build an app that would help students develop their critical reading skills. The biggest challenge in building this app (Readerly) has been in coming to terms with how monumental a task building—and marketing—an app can be.

With the idea for Readerly buzzing around in my head, I explored my development options and quickly discovered LiveCode was the ideal tool with which to build my app. Learning to code with LiveCode has helped me to appreciate that it’s possible to be more than just a consumer of other people’s apps. Now that I’m more familiar with the fundamentals of LiveCode as a development platform, my eyes are opened to a host of other possibilities for apps.

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Sean MillerReaderly – Sean Miller