Map widget coming to LiveCode

by Steven Crighton on February 22, 2016 3 comments

mergMK is a LiveCode MapKit external that adds a map control which supports showing user location with heading, adding annotation pins and polylines. Create stunning interactive maps with ease. Important: The Map Kit framework uses Google services to provide map data pre-iOS 6. Use of specific classes of this framework (and their associated interfaces) binds you to the Google Maps/Google Earth API terms of service.

We will be working with Monte over the coming months to turn this into an iOS and Android widget that will be available in LiveCode Indy and above.

Our team will be getting to work to integrate all of the externals into LiveCode 8. This will make it as simple as selecting the addon you want from your widgets palette, and dropping it into your app. A few customisations later and you have a new feature ready to go. Wherever it is possible or appropriate we will also look at making the widgets cross platform. We can’t wait to get started on this process!

You can read more about the map kit external features it has today here. Just imagine this as a cross platform drag and drop widget 🙂

As you will have seen in our recent price rise announcement, we will be raising the price of LiveCode indy to $999 by January 2017, incrementally throughout the year. You can benefit from all of these future widgets and all of the new features going into LiveCode 8 for just $499 per year. If you lock in before the first price rise on the 18th March you will keep this price so long as you keep your subscription active.

You can lock in at today’s indy price here

Steven CrightonMap widget coming to LiveCode

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  • Paul Richards - February 23, 2016 reply

    Perfect! Now that is one widget I am very much looking forward to. Great news 🙂

  • Geoff Macumber - April 27, 2016 reply

    I already have an Indy licence and have just downloaded LC 8.0.0-RC1 but I am unable to get it to recognize any of the mergMK commands. Is it included in this new version?

  • Paul - September 7, 2016 reply

    Hey everyone…. I don’t suppose there is any update on this Widget is there?? Coming soon, coming next year??

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