LiveCode Widgets: The Segmented Control

by Peter Brett on December 2, 2016 7 comments

LiveCode 8 introduced the segmented control widget.  This very versatile widget can be used in several user interface roles, and this blog post shows you how to use it to align text in a field and to create a 5-star rating control.

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Peter BrettLiveCode Widgets: The Segmented Control

Some exciting HTML5 demos for LiveCode 9 DP 3

by Peter Brett on November 28, 2016 1 comment

Last week, we released a powerful new feature for HTML5 apps built with LiveCode: using JavaScript to integrate into the surrounding web page.  LiveCode users have already been using this to build fun HTML5 apps and to demonstrate how powerful this new feature is.

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Peter BrettSome exciting HTML5 demos for LiveCode 9 DP 3

Control your webpage with LiveCode HTML5

by Peter Brett on November 23, 2016 3 comments

When you deploy a LiveCode 9 app to the web with HTML5 deployment, you can now call into JavaScript and integrate your app with the surrounding web page. Deploy your app with LiveCode 9 Developer Preview 2 and try it out.

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Peter BrettControl your webpage with LiveCode HTML5

What’s new in LiveCode 9.0 DP 2?

by Peter Brett on November 21, 2016 No comments

Over the last month, we’ve been working hard on our next feature release, LiveCode 9.  Today we’re making a new developer preview available, including a powerful new capability for HTML5 development, and a completely rewritten LiveCode Builder virtual machine.

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Peter BrettWhat’s new in LiveCode 9.0 DP 2?

Ignite Your Sites with revIgniter

by Ralf Bitter on November 11, 2016 1 comment

[Editors note] This month we are celebrating the relaunch of our hosting service as LiveCode Hosting. With the spotlight on LiveCode Server I asked Ralf Bitter if he would like to write a bit about his excellent LC Server Framework, revIgniter.

Why revIgniter?

It was 2009 when the On-Rev web hosting service was introduced, long before the LiveCode Server engine was available to be installed on arbitrary web servers. Back then early adopters like me were thrilled and eager to learn about the new possibilities enabled by “a new variant of the existing technology that allows you to mix Revolution code with HTML content on the same page much in the same way as PHP”1. There was a vibrant community dedicated to server-side scripting at the forums which were rapidly flooded with lots of code samples all mixing LiveCode (formerly Revolution) code with HTML or even additionally with CSS and JavaScript.

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Ralf BitterIgnite Your Sites with revIgniter

Infinite Livecode: Java progress

by Ali Lloyd on November 9, 2016 4 comments

Current progress

Since the Infinite LiveCode project was funded we have been hard at work with all the unglamorous but important preparation needed to make it possible, including refactoring the LiveCode Builder virtual machine. We have also made significant progress on the Java foreign function interface (FFI) that sits between the LiveCode Builder world and the Java world. Once the remaining few pull requests are merged, it will possible to interface with loaded Java classes, in particular the Android API – enabling you to instantly add vast swathes of additional functionality to your Android apps.

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Ali LloydInfinite Livecode: Java progress

LiveCode Widgets: More Line Chart Madness

by Monte Goulding on November 2, 2016 No comments

Continuing on from my last blog post where I added the showLines and markerStyles property to the line chart and not being one to know when to stop I realised that what the line chart really needs now is more marker styles. I could come up with some more styles and draw them but that’s not as much fun as what I’m going to do. What I’m going to do is allow you to specify one of the 6 marker styles already implemented and also any icon name from the svg library. We can have beautiful charts with little smiley faces as markers!

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Monte GouldingLiveCode Widgets: More Line Chart Madness