A New Dawn

by Kevin Miller on March 16, 2015 4 comments

Big things are happening at LiveCode. On Thursday I gave a live keynote from the LiveCode Unconference in New York. We made several live announcements. We’re thrilled to bring the first public beta (DP) of 8. Check out the video below for a demo.

We’ve also added made our licensing simpler and more accessible. With no commitment and no minimum term, subscribers will receive an Indy License, Web Hosting, the Create It Course, Academies, and a .livecode.org email address – all for just $29/month.

We announced several community projects including the community documentation project. And we announced an upcoming campaign for social good, to teach 3,000 individuals with autism how to create apps and help create employment opportunities.

Watch The Full Announcement

Kevin MillerA New Dawn


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  • William - March 16, 2015 reply

    This is really exciting.

    Jerry Janson - March 16, 2015 reply

    What a great coincidence as i just build an app for a special lady who is family of a dear friend of mine. And she has Autism and she can not read the time from a clock. So this app will tell her the time and even the date in Dutch. This can probably be easy rewritten for English/us or any other way of telling the time. Because in every language it is different in ways of speach.

  • prajeesh - March 16, 2015 reply

    Eager to start on this

  • Dawn of the Planet of the Widgets | LiveCode for Developers - March 18, 2015 reply

    […] March 12th Kevin Miller announced the first LiveCode 8 developer preview at the LiveCode Unconference in Brooklyn. At the heart of the announcement was the introduction […]

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