Campaign Update
Thanks to everyone for their donations and help in funding us this far. We want to assure everyone that if the funding for the campaign is not met, we will do a scaled back version of the program to the extent that we're able to with the funding we receive. Of course, if we are unable to do anything at all, we will cancel and refund all donations. However, we are very confident we will be able to do something impacting for our donors. Thanks again for your support in sharing and donating to our campaign. Please feel free to continue commenting with any questions you might have. We'll continue to update as we progress through the campaign.
Short Summary
As a father of a son on the autism spectrum, I asked myself recently what I want most for my son as he begins to reach adulthood. The word that came to mind was
opportunity. Opportunity to get a skill that will allow him to function in society.
When I looked at the sad statistics that said only 56% of those on the autism spectrum graduate from high school and 80% of them are under or unemployed, I decided that I needed to do something not only for my child, but for the thousands of families facing the same challenge.
Together with LiveCode, the National Autistic Society, Specialisterne & Autism Initiatives, our goal is to train 3000 young adults on the autism spectrum, across the world, how to code. We will provide an extensive training program with specialist support to help these young adults develop employment skills or gain self-employment in the app business.
Our Plan
Teach App Building
We will create 3000 free places on a specially modified version of the popular Create It with LiveCode online training program. This 6 to 12 month program teaches anyone with no past coding experience how to build replicas of a dozen of the popular apps that we use every day on our smartphones. By learning to build replicas of the Calculator, Clock, Messages app and others the students learn transferable skills that can then be applied to building their own apps. Replicas also allow students to see when they have got it right every step of the way. As a partnership of organizations we have a wealth of experience and will work together to ensure the suitability of the course content. This course is suitable for individuals aged 13 +.
In order to maximize the chances of success, we will create an additional place for every course participant to bring a mentor (for example a parent or friend) who will also be supported online. We will strongly encourage all course participants to bring a mentor with them. Because the course is accessible to complete beginners there is no need for the mentor to have any previous coding experience.
We recognize that coding will not be for everyone on the autism spectrum. While we will have an online help desk available to help discuss individual issues the amount of individual support we can give is limited and is online only. We recommend that anyone considering this course consults with a friend, mentor or their local autism organization to discuss whether or not they think the course is suitable for their specific needs and circumstances.
Introduce the Tech Industry
Learning to code is great but it’s not enough. During the 6 - 12 month training course we will run online workshops to help participants understand whether self-employment or employment at the end of the course might suit their specific circumstances. We will also run Business and Tech matters online webinar sessions to introduce the tech industry.
Form Relationships
The LiveCode Community is warm and welcoming to newcomers. We will create a special portal area where attendees can receive support and interact with others who are on the same learning journey. All the LiveCode tech support staff are receiving training in understanding autism and interacting with individuals on the autism spectrum, from one of our charity partners.
After the Course
We will set up an autism-friendly online marketplace where those that wish can bid for work and sell their services freelance.
In addition, if we reach our stretch goals, LiveCode and Autism Initiatives will together set up a social enterprise which will directly hire a very small number of participants who finish the course and successfully apply. The social enterprise will be run in Edinburgh, Scotland to enable close interaction and management from our teams, so living in that city will be a requirement for this specific employment outcome. The individuals hired into the social enterprise will create a new interactive e-book app builder called LiveCode Publisher. This point and click tool will make it easy to create rich interactive e-books that deploy to multiple platforms and devices. 50% of revenues from sales of Publisher will be reinvested into the social enterprise for future projects.
The social enterprise will subsequently be able to offer consulting services to build interactive e-books and will keep 100% of those revenues. Creating interactive e-books is another high detail task that can be suitable to some on the autism spectrum. We will make the social enterprise a top destination for companies who need their documentation re purposed and distributed as an interactive app.
The goal is to create a sustainable commercial venture to boost employment prospects for those on the autism spectrum. If successful we will look at expanding to other cities and/or hiring from our autism-friendly online marketplace to create content, in future years.
The Course
What's Needed
How The Funds Will Be Spent
This will go towards our online support team costs for 6000 places (3000 autism spectrum students + up to 3000 mentors) on the course over a 6-12 month period, We will also setup a further 6 months of post-course online support. Technical support for the course will be provided by LiveCode. An Online Help Desk will be setup and run by NAS. Adaptation of course materials will be done in conjunction with all partners.
LiveCode’s free gift to all course participants
1 year LiveCode Indy license allowing royalty free publishing of apps for all participants with autism. This adds up to an incredible $900,000 of value and LiveCode has gifted this to the campaign. This license can be activated at any time over a 12 month period and will allow you to develop and deploy apps to all the major platforms including the Apple App Store and the Google play store.
Stretch Goals
+ $150,000
If the campaign makes it to $500k total we will set up a social Enterprise, managed by Autism Initiatives & LiveCode, providing salaries for autistic employees for the first year.
+ $100,000
If the campaign makes it to $600k total then we can support and train a further 1000 young adults on the autism spectrum on how to code.
Who is involved?
This is a unique partnership between people and organizations who together have the desire and capability to deliver this program. This partnership was born when the father of a son on the autism spectrum realized that what he wanted most for his son was to give him an opportunity to learn a skill and succeed in society.
LiveCode Ltd - bringing a very clear vision that Everyone Can Create Apps using the LiveCode platform. They mean anyone, anywhere. No experience needed. Their vision was realized in 2013 when they ran one of the top ten Kickstarter campaigns of that time, raised $750,000, and made the LiveCode platform faster and easier. LiveCode has a proven track record in Education, is used around the world with all age groups including ⅓ of all high schools in Scotland. Previous courses have enjoyed up to a 93% success rate. More About LiveCode.
NAS - The leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism. The National Autistic Society will be running an Online Help Desk for attendees during the course to provide support and advice.
Specialisterne - An innovative social business concept originally founded in Denmark in 2004. Specialisterne is internationally recognized as the first and foremost example of how high functioning people with autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) can become effectively included in society, and provide valuable, high quality services to their employers. Specialisterne UK is playing a lead role in seeking corporate partners for Empower Autism, and will also engage in assessment and ongoing support activities for candidates selected for participation in the app training program.
Autism Initiatives - Their mission is to meet the needs of people with autism, their families and carers by providing a range of services which are personal, professional and innovative. LiveCode and Autism Initiatives will together set up a social enterprise which will directly hire a very small number of participants who finish the course and successfully apply. 50% of revenues from the sales in this enterprise will be reinvested into the social enterprise for future projects.
Other Ways You Can Help
There are other ways you can help this campaign succeed than choosing the perk for you.
Tell your friends, family, colleagues, favorite blog, favorite publication, about this campaign. Help us shout about this message and spread the word. Together we will provide this incredible opportunity.
- Remember to use the social media share tools on this page to spread the word.
We Need Your Help.
Together we can change the lives of people on the autism spectrum. Choose the right perk for you, help us shout about this campaign, your support will create opportunity. Thank You.
On completion of a successful campaign we will start running the online course in July 2015. Be part of it.
Q: How long will the course last?
A: The online course will last 6-12 months. You will have access to all the course materials so you don't have to follow along live, you can take part at a time to suit you and your course mentor.
Q: How can I enroll myself or someone I know?
A: First, we need your support to make this a reality. You can save a seat on the course by supporting the campaign at the $99 perk.
Q: Can I join with my son or daughter?
A: Yes. You can bring a family member along and both student and mentor will get full access to the course. Support at the $299 Family Pack perk to secure your seats. This is a fantastic family activity to learn together and maybe even start a business together.
Q: I can't afford to get the $99 perk, can I still take the course?
A: Yes. If this campaign is successful we will assign unassigned seats free. If you would like to register your interest for this please email with your name and email address.
Q: When does the course start?
A: On completion of a successful campaign we will start running the online course in July 2015.