LiveCode Widgets: The Header Bar

by Elanor Buchanan on May 15, 2016 9 comments

Following Ali’s blog about the navigation bar widget another must-have control we wanted in LiveCode 8 was the header bar. As with the navigation bar this is a very common control in mobile apps and hopefully providing it as a widget will save you time, effort and some of the headaches associated with creating native-looking mobile applications.

The LiveCode header bar is based on the iOS Navigation Bar and the Android App Bar. If you are working on Mac a header bar widget will be themed like an iOS Navigation Bar, if you are working on Windows or Linux it will be themed like an Android App Bar.

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Elanor BuchananLiveCode Widgets: The Header Bar

Infinite LiveCode – A letter from our CEO

by Kevin Miller on May 12, 2016 No comments

Dear All,

Have you tried LiveCode 8 yet? We’re incredibly proud of it and we think you will love it. You can read all about the new benefits here, watch our launch webinar or read the Q&A about LiveCode 8 here.

I’d like to extend a huge thank you to those of you that backed the project through crowd funding and to all our paid license holders and backers who made this mammoth project possible.

But we’re not done yet.

Infinite LiveCode

As truly wonderful as LiveCode 8 is, it is a new set of foundations and a ground floor – an enabler for an ecosystem an order of magnitude larger than the one we already enjoy today. That’s why today I’m announcing the our biggest and most important campaign of 2016 — Infinite LiveCode.

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Kevin MillerInfinite LiveCode – A letter from our CEO

LiveCode 8 Launch Webinar Recording. Plus your questions answered…

by Steven Crighton on May 10, 2016 9 comments




To celebrate the launch of LiveCode 8 we held a special launch webinar where we gave a demo of some of the exciting new features and took your questions live. We have included these questions and answers below as well as some of the questions we just didn’t get round to answering.

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Steven CrightonLiveCode 8 Launch Webinar Recording. Plus your questions answered…

Introducing LiveCode 8 – Build Powerful Apps Faster

by Kevin Miller on May 4, 2016 No comments

Today, we are excited to launch LiveCode 8. LiveCode 8 represents the next generation of our highly productive LiveCode coding environment for building mobile, desktop and cloud apps. Three years in the making, this represents the fruition of our $750,000 Kickstarter funded project. LiveCode 8 is packed full of new features and enhancements to the LiveCode Platform.

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Kevin MillerIntroducing LiveCode 8 – Build Powerful Apps Faster

How To Add a Web Browser to Your App

by Ian Macphail on November 10, 2015 8 comments

If you’re using the latest release of LiveCode 8.0 then the answer to that question is incredibly simple: just open up your stack and drag a browser control (the icon that looks like a little picture of the Earth) from the toolbar onto your stack. Then you can resize it however you like and open up the property inspector to set the url you want the browser to display. Easy!

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Ian MacphailHow To Add a Web Browser to Your App

Write a Widget in 8 Steps

by Georgia Hutchings on April 30, 2015 15 comments

Ever thought that your LiveCode project could be improved by a custom control? Perhaps you want to add a rounded rectangle push button to your stack, where the border color is different to the text color? Maybe you’re thinking of building an app with 10 cards, and each card needs a header bar, and each header bar needs a label, a button, a background graphic, a line graphic… Getting tired just thinking about it? Enter widgets.

Widgets are controls that can be dragged from the tools palette and dropped onto your stack. In LiveCode 8, users now have the ability to write their own custom controls, or widgets, in the new LiveCode Builder language. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the widget writing process in LiveCode Builder, from the very start to using your end product in a LiveCode stack.

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Georgia HutchingsWrite a Widget in 8 Steps

Testing And Building LiveCode Builder With Tests

by Peter Brett on April 9, 2015 3 comments

We recently launched the first developer preview (DP) release of LiveCode 8, which provides a first look at LiveCode’s new “LiveCode Builder” language. This is a powerful new compiled language which can be used to quickly and efficiently develop new controls and code libraries for use in LiveCode apps.

I’d like to tell you about some of the techniques we’ve been using to make sure that LiveCode Builder is robust and reliable.

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Peter BrettTesting And Building LiveCode Builder With Tests