Brigham Young University

by Heather Laine on August 2, 2015 No comments

Teaching Programming with LiveCode at Brigham Young University

“I have a number of students who never in their wildest dreams thought they would be able to do programming of any kind, but who then went on to take the second semester”

A good way to engage students. Cross-platform. Easy-to-use.

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Heather LaineBrigham Young University

Rotunda Software

by Jana Doughty on August 1, 2015 No comments

We chose LiveCode because it addressed all of our needs. It is cross platform, can run on the server side, and was an ideal choice for our thinkclient and cloud based software architecture.

David BeckManaging Director

Top Benefits

  • The time from new feature conception to implementation is very fast. With LiveCode, implementation of new features takes days when it would take weeks or months in other traditional environments.
  • Upfront and ongoing costs are affordable. Building the app and implementing new features is very affordable.
  • Leveraging on Linux. By leveraging LiveCode on Linux, Rotunda Software was able to reuse some of its client logic on the server side, which continues to be incredibly powerful.

About Rotunda Software

Rotunda Software is based in San Francisco and specializes in developing Volunteer Management Software.


Rotunda Software needed to develop a best value, highly effective volunteer scheduling system that volunteers could access from a browser with no training.

The system had to be able to handle the complexity of scheduling, be available from the browser as a Cloud Based Service (SaaS), deliver a great user experience for volunteers to check their schedules, and it had to offer best value.


Rotunda Software created a successful Volunteer Scheduling System app with LiveCode and now has over 2,000 customers.

Are you evaluating LiveCode for your business?

Get in touch
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Jana DoughtyRotunda Software

How to Make a Business Plan

by Iain Morrison on July 30, 2015 No comments

Are you trying to start an app business?

Do you like beach holidays and analogies?

As someone who just returned from a very relaxing holiday, I have only one complaint (that leads to an analogy): the swimming pool at the hotel was freezing! It was too hot to avoid it and it was fine once I was actually in it, but the anticipation of actually getting in it was…?

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Iain MorrisonHow to Make a Business Plan

Gayane Ghandilyan – Digital Pomegranate

by Jana Doughty on July 29, 2015 No comments

“We found out that with Livecode we can be very productive for mobile development. This is true, specially for those people who have never programmed before. Now, Livecode is the main development language at Digital Pomegranate.”


Gayane Ghandilyan didn’t know how to program. When she graduated from university and became the Operations Officer at Digital Pomegranate, a startup tech company, she realized the importance in everyone learning to code, including herself. After learning LiveCode, Gayane and the Digital Pomegranate team were able to efficiently, effectively, and consistently develop multi-platform apps in Armenia.

1. Why did you decide to learn to code?

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Jana DoughtyGayane Ghandilyan – Digital Pomegranate

How to Deploy Apps to Android Devices

by Panagiotis Merakos on July 21, 2015 8 comments

Are you writing an app for Android?

Do you want to test your Android app on an actual Android device?

If you are developing for Android and you want to test the app either in a simulator or on a physical android device, then you will need the Android software development kit (SDK). The Android SDK  enables developers to create applications for the Android platform.

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Panagiotis MerakosHow to Deploy Apps to Android Devices

Ready? HTML5 Deployment Reveals Its First Preview!

by Kevin Miller on July 15, 2015 26 comments

Are you excited about HTML5?

Have you been dreaming about all the things you and HTML5 can do?

We have a treat for you today. Our team has been hard at work on the HTML5 engine and we’ve built two simple web apps for you to try. Please bear in mind that this technology is still at a fairly early stage – you can’t build your own apps yet.

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Kevin MillerReady? HTML5 Deployment Reveals Its First Preview!

How to Design an App for Android

by Georgia Hutchings on July 10, 2015 8 comments

Do you want create an app for Android?

Have you thought about how you want the User Interface to look?

One thing to consider when creating an app is the design. Using conventions and guidelines based on the platform you are creating for your app will help you to avoid two big problems: breaking conventions and clashing styles.

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Georgia HutchingsHow to Design an App for Android