Functional features in LiveCode – is it just a dream?

by Alex Brisan on February 8, 2018 No comments

If you’re like me, and you come to LiveCode from more “mainstream” programming languages, such as Java (8 or 9) or Python (heck, even C++), then you might be missing some of the very nice functional features for operating on Arrays and Lists, such as maps, filters or even list comprehensions. In this blog post I’ll try and answer the question, whether implementing functional features in LiveCode is a dream?

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Alex BrisanFunctional features in LiveCode – is it just a dream?

Testing 1, 2, 28534

by Ali Lloyd on October 4, 2017 5 comments

I really enjoy writing tests. It’s great to ensure that a new piece of functionality will never be broken, or that a bug will never be reintroduced. It’s doubly satisfying when something previously untestable becomes testable, when a certain level of struggle or ingenuity is required to work out how to test something, or when a test is particularly (perhaps even maximally) succinct.

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Ali LloydTesting 1, 2, 28534

Using Infinite LiveCode for Android to Create Native Controls and Wrap OS APIs

by Ali Lloyd on June 28, 2017 16 comments

With the release of LiveCode 9.0 DP 7, the amount you can do with the android API has been significantly increased. Firstly, it is possible to use LiveCode Builder to respond to user events, which essentially allows the Android native control syntax (mobileControlCreate, mobileControlSet etc) to be replaced with draggable widget objects and standard LiveCode syntax. Secondly, it is possible to run services in the background, allowing, for example, background audio on Android.

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Ali LloydUsing Infinite LiveCode for Android to Create Native Controls and Wrap OS APIs

LiveCode Global: Our Next Conference in Your City

by Kevin Miller on May 18, 2017 2 comments

Everyone loves the LiveCode Conference – we know for many of you it’s the highlight of your year, and it certainly is ours! That’s why we weighed up carefully holding an on the ground event this summer as usual. However the reality is that at the moment the pressure is on to deliver features and finish projects. After a couple of recent Yak shaves*, our engineers have been chained to their desks. And will be remaining there for some time! We had to decide against hosting an in-person conference this year.

But we know how important our conference is – for both our team and the wider community. We love hanging out with all of you and the sharing of ideas, success and best practice is so important for everyone. So we spent some time thinking how we could still have a fabulous event this year. The result: LiveCode Global.

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Kevin MillerLiveCode Global: Our Next Conference in Your City

Android audio recording library using Java FFI

by Ali Lloyd on April 13, 2017 17 comments

In this example, we show you how to implement audio recording on Android using the new Java FFI capabilities in the latest DP of LiveCode 9.

The first step in figuring out how to create an Android audio recording library is to figure out what classes and methods are needed, which is tantamount to having a quick look at how it would be done in native code.

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Ali LloydAndroid audio recording library using Java FFI