Making the Tiger Roar!

by Steven Crighton on April 30, 2020 No comments

Calling all parents, grandparents, aunties & uncles! We have a couple of hours worth of free entry-level learning courses where you can introduce the kids in your life to coding. Work with them to make the tigers roar or the piano play in our SoundBoard LiveCode learning courses…

During these times maybe you are searching for educational ways to keep your kids entertained, or ideas to stay connected with your grandkids or nieces and nephews remotely. We’ve got something that can help.

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Steven CrightonMaking the Tiger Roar!

Fence Painting or Coding Challenges?

by Steven Crighton on April 8, 2020 12 comments

It’s true for many of us that we have extra time on our hands at the moment. That extra time presents the opportunity to start or finish those tasks you’ve always been meaning to do. For me that could have been finally getting round to painting the garden fence five years after it was put up (unpainted), clearing out the garage, or sorting out my junk room – I mean spare room! I can confirm that after what has been about a month of me being at home I have not started any of those jobs. I have however tried to build a mini-golf course in my back garden and, which you may be more interested in hearing about, got stuck into some coding challenges.

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Steven CrightonFence Painting or Coding Challenges?

LiveCode 9.5 Released

by Heather Laine on July 31, 2019 No comments

We’re delighted to announce today the release of LiveCode 9.5, stable. This version brings a raft of great new features and benefits, with over 400 features, enhancements and fixes making it smoother and more reliable than ever.

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Heather LaineLiveCode 9.5 Released

Introducing LiveCloud

by Kevin Miller on April 23, 2019 No comments

I am super excited to be able to announce the launch today of LiveCloud. LiveCloud is a brand new hosted cloud data service providing the easiest and most straightforward imaginable backend for your app. LiveCloud is built and hosted by the wonderful people at Canela.

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Kevin MillerIntroducing LiveCloud

Visitors in LiveCode

by Alex Brisan on December 14, 2018 9 comments

LC : Knock knock
User : Who’s there
LC : LiveCode
User : LiveCode who?
LC : LiveCode visitors

Joking aside, today we will look at one of the most powerful design patterns when it comes to working on trees – a data structure that is as important to computer science as real trees are to human life.

But first, let’s have a closer look at what the tree data structure represents, and why we might find it useful to define trees.

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Alex BrisanVisitors in LiveCode

WordLib Update Released

by Curry Kenworthy on October 2, 2018 No comments

WordLib imports MS Word and Open Office documents right into your LiveCode fields. This is all done natively without relying on any other software, API, or interface to do the job. Nor is it based on someone else’s code. Not even Microsoft’s. That’s actually a big deal; as a pure LiveCode script solution, independent and original, built from the ground up, WordLib can target MS Word and LiveCode like nobody else. You don’t even need a word processor or DLL installed to use it; that’s the whole point. You just need LiveCode, WordLib, a document, and a field. Any platform. One line of code. You’re done.

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Curry KenworthyWordLib Update Released

KidCode: Teaching Preschool Kids Code and English Together

by Heather Laine on October 1, 2018 1 comment

Arguably, coding is the new literacy. How early should children start to learn coding? Can they learn it while they learn language itself? KidCode is a new app initiative which aims to teach just that. It uses LiveCode to simultaneously teach coding and English, and will shortly be launched in kindergartens in China. It is targeted at children from as young as 2 or 3 years old. The app is a collaboration between HHOTT and So-Easy International.

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Heather LaineKidCode: Teaching Preschool Kids Code and English Together