
by Mildred Foo on November 3, 2014 9 comments

There has been a buzzword circulating round for a long time now – Values.  What are Values you say? 

Values are the intrinsic elements that underpin our behaviour, in this case, that of LiveCode, and they should relate to our day to day experience at work.  It may seem cheesy, but when we are around people we share common values and beliefs with, we feel safe and secure.  When we are happy, we have a more positive outlook on all aspects of life – our environment, colleagues, and from LiveCode’s perspective, the way we work.

At LiveCode, our people are our most precious resource, which is the catalyst for a healthy company.  We actively strive to create a fair and balanced partnership with every individual as they are on the frontline, communicating with our community and representing LiveCode daily.  The relationships we build and the service we provide are key to building a successful brand and more importantly, ensuring everyone has bought into our ethos.  That starts with making people feel valued.

A great entrepreneur of our time said:

“Your culture really is one of the most important things of your company, it’s who you are, it’s why customers choose you.  Build a great company which you would want to do business with yourself.  If you get this right, your culture is right”.

–       Sir Richard Branson

 We start making our people feel valued by showing them trust, providing development opportunities, and practising what we preach.  With this in mind, we recently concluded an activity to renew our Vision and create our Values. 

Our Vision is that Everyone Can Create Apps and that is at the heart of LiveCode.  The role technology plays in our lives is going to grow and we believe we can contribute to empowering people to get the most out of technology in all its forms.

Our Values are simple.  We value every team member, every customer, and the wider community in which we operate.  We value diversity and offer an atmosphere where ideas are welcomed.  We care – personally and professionally.  We are an open-minded company and a great place to work.  We innovate and are always at the forefront of technology.

I am enjoying my time at LiveCode.  We have always looked after our Community and with our Values now clearly articulated (they have always driven the company, we’ve just formalised them), there is equal focus internally.  Happy people = a ready supply of LiveCode ambassadors and a brand people will hear about at a national and global level.

Mildred FooValues


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  • Richmond Mathewson - November 3, 2014 reply

    As Richard Branson is very near the top of my sh*t-list that quote doesn’t do much for me.

    However, a generally friendly cooperative company culture has got to be better than a dictatorship. A dictatorship may work for a while (pace Apple), but it cannot last forever, and after the dictator goes a lack of tradition of a more democratic, open culture generally has fairly negative consequences.

  • Steve - November 5, 2014 reply

    For me this article makes the penny drop. Since my dealings with LiveCode, and I have expressed it on many occasions, I was and is still amazed at the constant and consistent level of outstanding customer service. As alluded to in my previous (and only) post on this blog I am still waiting to be disappointed in my LiveCode experience.

    Now I understand. Everybody at RunRev is “living” and driven by the Company values and is keen to make the LiveCode Community GREAT. As “evidence” the Community responded by the last round of pledges to make the HTML5 appeal a reality.

    Go RunRev ! Go LiveCode ! Thanks for who and what you are…….

    Mildred Foo - November 5, 2014 reply

    Thanks very much for your kind words Steve. It’s really encouraging to hear and we will continue to do our best. To LiveCode!

  • Rick - November 5, 2014 reply

    The value conversation is a two way street. I am glad to support LiveCode because of its core value that anyone should be able to code. That is a very empowering statement and will inspire many to at least try to code.

    The other side of the street, however, is with the LiveCode customer/community base. It will be interesting to see what common values get articulated on this post by community members.

    I am new to LiveCode and at times very impressed and at other times, left scratching my head. But I believe that LiveCode’s vision and values are the right ones to support so I am all in.

    I was glad to see the annual membership put forth so I can support LiveCode community edition without having to buy the commercial product (I am not a commercial programmer).

    I would also like to see some sponsored community coding events, wherein LiveCode states the challenge, lays out a general framework, assigns an internal resource to ensure things stay on track and any significant technical challenges are able to be answered quickly, but then steps back to see what the community will contribute.

    Could be something as simple as a helpdesk or CRM system.

    Could be a community game (similar to the game game, but for the community to contribute.

    Not sure exactly what it should be, but the end result would be a great product that the community could get behind, learn from, be used for future regression tests, etc…

    LiveCode has taken on a huge challenge “anyone can code” in a space that is highly competitive. I am glad to help out financially, but for this to take off, I think we need a community engaged product.

    I am just one voice and would like to know what other think.

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