How Editing Large Scripts is Faster!

by Peter Brett on September 3, 2015 1 comment

In LiveCode 8 DP 4, we added the exciting new ability to create HTML5 standalone apps that run in a web browser.  But that’s not the only new feature in the open source edition!

When editing very large scripts with lots of handlers, it can often be difficult to find the handler you want in the handler list view. Now you can use the filter field to quickly narrow down the options to the one you’re looking for.

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Peter BrettHow Editing Large Scripts is Faster!

How to Run Your App in a Browser with HTML5!

by Peter Brett on August 31, 2015 8 comments

The modern web browser has become a fully-featured application platform – and nearly everyone has one.  If you can write a program to run in a modern web browser, you know that it can be run anywhere with no need to install it.

As of now, you can deploy your LiveCode apps to the web. Welcome to HTML5.

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Peter BrettHow to Run Your App in a Browser with HTML5!

Write a Widget in 8 Steps

by Georgia Hutchings on April 30, 2015 15 comments

Ever thought that your LiveCode project could be improved by a custom control? Perhaps you want to add a rounded rectangle push button to your stack, where the border color is different to the text color? Maybe you’re thinking of building an app with 10 cards, and each card needs a header bar, and each header bar needs a label, a button, a background graphic, a line graphic… Getting tired just thinking about it? Enter widgets.

Widgets are controls that can be dragged from the tools palette and dropped onto your stack. In LiveCode 8, users now have the ability to write their own custom controls, or widgets, in the new LiveCode Builder language. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the widget writing process in LiveCode Builder, from the very start to using your end product in a LiveCode stack.

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Georgia HutchingsWrite a Widget in 8 Steps

Testing And Building LiveCode Builder With Tests

by Peter Brett on April 9, 2015 3 comments

We recently launched the first developer preview (DP) release of LiveCode 8, which provides a first look at LiveCode’s new “LiveCode Builder” language. This is a powerful new compiled language which can be used to quickly and efficiently develop new controls and code libraries for use in LiveCode apps.

I’d like to tell you about some of the techniques we’ve been using to make sure that LiveCode Builder is robust and reliable.

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Peter BrettTesting And Building LiveCode Builder With Tests