I’m delighted to announce another raft of exciting sessions today. Check the full schedule for the online conference on April 25-27th here. There are just a small number of speaker slots left now, so if you’d like to give a talk get in touch today! Here are the latest confirmed speakers and topics – a warm welcome to the always popular Andre Garzia, and to our first time speaker Bob Cole.
Andre Garzia – Blogging the LiveCode Way

Andre is a writer and developer based in London. He’s a long time LiveCoder and has been a regular face in LiveCode conferences all around the world. Even though Andre should be writing his next book right now, he spends most of his time actually developing his own tools to write instead. You can get Andre’s LiveCode books at https://andregarzia.com/books.html.
LiveCode is uniquely positioned in the development ecosystem due to its versatility. Being able to scale from desktop and mobile all the way to the web and server is not a common feature among the various development toolkits that are out there. Yet, most of the talks and examples surrounding LiveCode server capabilities don’t leverage this flexibility at all. In this session we’re going to build a blog, but we’re going to do it the LiveCode way. We’ll use a novel web development approach, one that leverages LiveCode IDE and desktop features. By the end of this session, you’ll look at doing web projects with LiveCode with a new perspective and maybe do things differently the next time.
Robert (Bob) Cole – Wordle Helper Web App using Regex

Bob first trained in Fortran IV in 1968. He has learned and used multiple languages and now continues his software passion with LiveCode 10. Bob spent 36 years in financial industries, stock and bond markets, accounting and 11 years in corporate software with SQL.
Engineering degree: Brown University, 1972
Masters in Business Administration: University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, 1974
First computer: Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80, 1977
First Macintosh: SE (two floppy drives), 1987
Introduced to HyperCard: 1988
Introduced to Revolution/LiveCode: 2008
First Web App and LC Conference Presentation: 2022
Bob will discuss how he built a Web App with LiveCode 10 to assist with the Wordle game. Using the player’s word guesses and the colors from the Wordle game, Bob’s web app filters through Wordle’s original 12,972 word list to show how many words remain after each guess. By default, the remaining words are hidden but may be displayed with the click of a button. This is a companion app to work side by side conjunction with the Wordle game.
Bob’s web app is available at: morrevbon.com/wordhelper.html
The presentation will discuss these LiveCode features:
- filter filterSource with wildcardPattern;
- filter filterSource without wildcardPattern;
- matchText(string, regularExpression); and
- Building the wildcardPattern and the regularExpression.
James Conway – Text-based ui and custom control mechanism

James has been working at LiveCode for almost 2 years now. He spent most of his time working on the “LiveCode for Filemaker” project and has now moved over to working with the LiveCode engine. In his spare time James likes to turn off his computer and watch F1, football or go to the gym – anything which will distract his mind from the fun of C++.
In this session James will show how to build a card layout in LiveCode using a yaml file. The yaml layout file will be used to store information of all controls on a layout including their position and properties. These layout files are easy to read and can be edited by the user in plain text.
This talk will involve writing a LiveCode script which can take the control details from the yaml file and then create controls with the defined properties at runtime.
The benefits of creating layouts like this will be explored and there will be a Q&A to finish.
Michael McCreary – Docker and LiveCode Server

Michael McCreary is a senior developer at LiveCode Ltd, with expertise in many areas including database and server work.
Docker is an open source framework for building and running containers. In this session, Michael will walk us through how we can use Docker to simplify the process of developing LiveCode server applications, demonstrating how to set up the LiveCode server environment all on your local machine.
Steven Crighton – Designing for the Future

Steven has been with LiveCode as Digital Marketing Manager for around 8 years now. Recently he has been doing a lot of hands on product design on the LiveCode IDE. In his spare time he likes to play golf and go for long walks with his golden retriever, Molly.
Steven will be looking at The LiveCode Experience for new users and the steps we are taking to evolve that. This session will cover:
- How to ensure new and existing users can discover the strengths of LiveCode
- The first time experiences users encounter
- The steps we are taking specifically in the IDE to address these experiences
- Target user expectations, existing user expectations, screen real estate, how to design for everyone
- A demo of our final goal and the steps we need to take to get there.
Panel – Web Apps Killed the Native App Star… discuss!
This panel will argue the relative merits of native vs web apps, where you might want a web app and why you might still want a native app. Our panellists will be Mark Talluto, Andre Garzia, Richard Gaskin and Kevin Miller. It should be a great debate!
Got an Idea?
The schedule is really hotting up, but we do have a few free slots still. Is there something you’d like to share with the LiveCode community? Maybe you have something you’re proud of that you could present as a 7 minute Flash Talk? Or you’d like to go into a bit more depth with a 30 or 50 minute presentation? Get in touch, don’t be shy. We love to hear how you out there actually use the programming language we know and love.
Not got your virtual ticket yet? Get it here.
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