The advantage of using LiveCode is the speed of iteration and ability to write the code once and deploy onto multiple platforms. LiveCode lets us concentrate on providing great solutions. We use it to improve on things quickly and continuously. This ensures that we always deliver the best experience for our users.
Top Benefits
- Unique to the vision care industry, Canela iss able to release on both Mac and Windows platforms with LiveCode.
- LiveCode allows Canela to develop new features faster than its competitors whom are using Java, Visual Basic, and C.
- With LiveCode’s natural language syntax, which is quick to read and write, Canela’s technical support continues to amaze due to Canela’s ability to respond to customer needs quickly.

About Canela Software
Canela Software has developed the leading Vision Testing System in the western hemisphere. Canela’s benefits include:
- Increased accuracy of eye testing
- Test the untestable
- Increased productivity with 50% more patients being attended with the same number of staff
- Integrates with electronic patient records
- Integrates with other diagnostic equipment
- Portable capability allows vision care providers the ability to deliver the service off site and undertake analysis at any location
- SaaS allows the user to pay for the service only when they need it.
About the Project
Canela needed to develop an integrated digital visual acuity system that would increase eye testing accuracy and productivity. Using a small team of developers, Canela needed the ability to deploy its software to multiple platforms efficiently.
To effectively participate in its targeted growth markets, Canela had to design a comprehensive set of technologies. Not only did Canela developers have to continue development on vision testing software, they also had to create licensing, CRM, auto update, credit card processing, and in-app purchasing technologies. On top of that, Canela designed CassiaDB, a custom database, to tie all of this together. These were large challenges for a small team to deliver, but with LiveCode, Canela made it all work.
Canela is now the top visual acuity system in the western hemisphere with over 9,000 installations. All of the technologies Canela developed, including CassiaDB, were written entirely in LiveCode. With LiveCode, Canela was able to use out-of-the box features to design its service. Canela Software is currently augmenting its desktop and server business with mobile tie-ins. This is an inclusive approach to providing Canela solutions on any device and it secures Canela’s place in the market as it looks into the future.
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