Generating LiveCode using ChatGPT

by Geoff Canyon on February 20, 2023 8 comments

Geoff Canyon is a product manager highly interested in machine learning and available to help make your product awesome! 


LiveCode is a combination IDE/UI Toolkit/programming language with a history stretching back to the 1990s, and with predecessors from the 1980s (HyperCard). I’m fond of LiveCode: I’ve used it since the ‘90s, I spoke about it at Apple’s WWDC and other conferences, and I’ve helped to demo it at trade shows by building a working app for Windows, Mac, and Linux, all while holding my breath. Despite being a product manager and not a developer, I still maintain a well-liked plug-in for the dev environment, and I use LiveCode whenever I need a quick UI+code environment in which to work.


ChatGPT is a language machine learning model recently released by OpenAI, based on their GPT 3.5 model, fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques to function as a chatbot. It is a remarkable advancement over previous language generation models, capable of producing a convincingly-human conversational experience.

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Geoff CanyonGenerating LiveCode using ChatGPT

Reflecting on 2022, anticipating 2023

by Heather Laine on December 21, 2022 3 comments

The end of 2022 is approaching and we’re all looking forward to some well earned time off and holiday celebrations. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah or the Winter Solstice it’s a time of year to get together for some quality time with our nearest and dearest.

It’s also a time to reflect, on the achievements of the year, and where they might take us next. We are only part way through our “year of reinvention”: the rebirth of LiveCode as LiveCode 10 announced in spring this year. 

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Heather LaineReflecting on 2022, anticipating 2023

Winning with LiveCode: Using LiveCode to run a city council election campaign

by Mark Wieder on December 9, 2022 4 comments

LiveCode has many uses. Something it excels at is processing data from all kinds of sources to provide sensible insights and actionable outcomes. This is an example of such a use.

The Project

Recently I was involved in a city council election campaign. For the campaign we divided up our district precincts into smaller turfs of about 100 houses each. That way we could give our canvassers a reasonable-sized area to cover in a reasonable amount of time. We wanted to get a sense of how effective our efforts were.

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Mark WiederWinning with LiveCode: Using LiveCode to run a city council election campaign

My LiveCode Journey

by Julian Morgan on December 5, 2022 2 comments

I first started to use LiveCode around 10 years ago, when I was looking for a development platform to build an app to accompany my own Imperium Latin Course ( Previous to this, I had been using Adobe (previously Macromedia) Director, which did not offer the possibility of authoring for iOS or Android devices.

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Julian MorganMy LiveCode Journey

LiveCode 9.6.9 RC-2: Security improvements, smaller standalones and more

by Panagiotis Merakos on November 4, 2022 No comments

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 9.6.9 RC-2. This version comes with more than 20 bugfixes and security improvements.

Open SSL Update

This release now uses OpenSSL version 1.1.1q, which is required for submission to the Android Play Store. If you are submitting for Android please update to this version of LiveCode for your build.

Windows Certificate Update

The code signing certificate we use to sign the windows installer and LiveCode application has been renewed. This means that it will take a certain number of verifications before Windows Defender SmartScreen will not popup a dialog. Please do take the time to download, install and run the LiveCode application at least once to help ensure that it gains the necessary ‘reputation’.

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Panagiotis MerakosLiveCode 9.6.9 RC-2: Security improvements, smaller standalones and more

LiveCode and the Economy

by Heather Laine on November 2, 2022 No comments

No man is an island. This is equally true of software – we are all part of a bigger ecosystem, and at the moment that ecosystem is under pressure. Economies around the world have been impacted by the war in Ukraine as well as a number of other factors… Covid, Brexit, climate change, recession… Inflation is rising, exchange rates are showing dramatic changes and all of this impacts on LiveCode Ltd and the maintenance of the software you love.

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Heather LaineLiveCode and the Economy

Progress Update on the Year of Reinvention

by Kevin Miller on October 7, 2022 5 comments

It’s six months since I announced the Year of Reinvention in my keynote at LiveCode Global 2022. That puts us about halfway through the year, which seems like a good time for an update. I can honestly say the LiveCode product team (well I should say teams plural as we now have a number of independent teams on each project)! has never been busier. Nor have we ever invested so much in the LiveCode platform in such a short space of time. Progress is going fantastically well on the project as a whole, though as ever some areas are running a little faster or slower than originally projected.

There is so much happening that I can’t cover it all in a single post. However here is a status update on the major projects.

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Kevin MillerProgress Update on the Year of Reinvention

Working with emails : emlParser

by Heather Laine on September 23, 2022 No comments

Have you ever wanted to do more with your emails than just read them in your inbox? Do you need to display them in different formats, or handle parts of them separately? Using LiveCode and emlParser you can easily do post-processing on your emails (if you’ll pardon the pun).

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Heather LaineWorking with emails : emlParser