Breaking Into the App Business

by Kevin Miller on November 26, 2014 10 comments

What do you think about getting into the app business? Here are things we’ve heard again and again. Are any of these you?

  • “Why is it so difficult to build apps?”
  • “I’ve tried to learn in the past but never been able to build the app I wanted?”
  • “Can I really do it?”
  • “Its such a crowded space. How can I stand out?”

LiveCode has earned us a place in the top 100 Kickstarter campaigns of all time (top 0.1%) last year.

We’ve been featured in hundreds of articles and have customers in over 120 countries.

Yet we haven’t been satisfied. We’ve been searching for the perfect way to unlock the dream of anyone who has an app idea, and to empower everyone who wants to get into the app business to become a runaway success.

We’ve tried many different methods. And we’ve found something so successful we just had to share it with you.

How NOT To Learn

I’ve seen courses that attempt to teach coding in an hour. No matter how easy they make it, creating apps is too involved to build a meaningful app in that time.

We’ve seen courses that teach by going through the principles of computer science. You can learn this way, but its hard fighting to understand abstract concepts and then apply them. The material is dry and we’ve watched again and again as people struggle to go from concepts to building their dream app.

Most courses ignore the business side. Yet the fact is that technology matters and business matters equally. You need to become a master of both to make your app a success in the crowded app store. The millions of apps in the stores represent a tremendous opportunity. But only the top apps are successful.

Some courses teach languages and methods that are far more complex than they need to be. There are a multitude of languages available for app developers and most of them are so complex and inaccessible that you’ll quickly give up if you don’t have a degree in computer science.

There are courses that teach little portions of building an app. It takes a lot of hard effort to put those concepts together when it comes to apply that knowledge and build your own. Lots of people drop out when they can’t connect together the ideas to build their own app when the time comes.

Then there are the approaches that focus on pure point and click tools. “No coding needed.” Only as soon as your app has any degree of functionality, any of the features that will actually make it stand out and be competitive, you’ll hit the wall with nowhere to go. How many of these apps do you see doing well in the app store?

Finally, we’ve seen course after course where the learning curve is just too steep. The material starts easy but quickly gets to a depth where you can’t follow it.

None of these methods work. At best they lead to an underwhelming app that gets lost in the store, at worst to frustration and giving up.

The Easy Way To Break Into the App Business

Instead of learning complicated dry abstract concepts and a fiendishly difficult language, the secret is to learn step-by-step, starting from what you already know.

Here is how it works.

We show you how to build the apps you already know and use. Imitation is a great way to learn. You can see if you’ve got it right every step of the way. To become a pro, start by imitating the pros. Once you can make these apps you can make anything!

We partner with you to show you how to build a fabulous business around your app. Experts who run multi-million dollar app business will share with you their secrets on how to do insightful market research, create a website that sells, landing page design, content marketing and using social media for business.

We provide you with a tool that lets you drag-drop objects, code in English and build your app just once then deploy it to all the app stores including iOS, Android and optionally, Windows, Mac and Linux desktops.

Plus you get this FREE Bonus: enter your app into our App Contest. Top prize includes an all expenses trip to LiveCode World late in 2015.

Where did this new course idea come from?

Sometimes the best ideas have the most surprising beginnings.

Our friends at Digital Pomegranate originally developed this course to boost economic development in a small developing country – Armenia. Now you may be wondering why that’s relevant to you?!

Well, if you think about it, this is one of the most challenging environments to show people how to break into the app business. And if they can do it, so can you. Let me tell you the story…

Many of the people who signed up had barely used a computer. Even more had no past experience with programming of any sort. Nor did they have experience creating a business.

The Digital Pomegranate team did their homework, looking high and low for a platform and language that would be accessible enough for them to teach. They tried many different alternatives none of which were good enough. Then they discovered LiveCode, our platform that makes it easy to create apps for multiple different devices.

But the discovery of LiveCode alone wasn’t enough. The teaching had to be accessible enough to people who hadn’t barely even used a computer. And it had to fit into a part time course over 16 weeks.

The team tested multiple approaches:

One class got the traditional computer science route, of teaching program structure, concepts and principles. Even though the class was highly practical, 40% of the class dropped out and only 2 people were able to build their own app at the end!

The other class tried a different approach. They taught the class how to build the apps that they already had on their phone. All the same concepts were taught but only as they came up in each app. The students could immediately see if they had got it right. The results were incredible. 93% of the students were able to build their own app at the end of the class.

Astonishing, isn’t it? Some of the graduates from this course even went on to win a coding Hackathon against stiff competition.

Sharing the Love

I was blown away when I saw the success this new training program was having. I could not wait to bring it to a wider audience. We’ve partnered up with Digital Pomegranate, worked over the materials, added our experienced tech and training staff and we’re bringing you this course. I can’t wait to see the results. I truly believe this is a door opener and will take us closer to our aspiration that

Everyone Can Create Apps.

Make the UI for the Calculator App Today

As a special treat, here is a sneak peak of one of the early lessons. See what you think. Let me know.

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Kevin MillerBreaking Into the App Business

LiveCode Magic

by Jana Doughty on November 26, 2014 No comments

Disneyland:  Magic.  Wonder.  Splendor.  Mickey Mouse.

Working at LiveCode is what I imagine it would be like to work at Disneyland.

But really.

Walt Disney created a world that was ever-evolving and packed with innovation.  Everything was possible and it was always a treat to visit the park and see what the Imagineers had thought of next.

It’s the same with the tech world.  It’s always changing and morphing and stretching to become what it’s never been before and, perhaps, what it never thought it could be.

This is special to me.  It’s magic.

It’s also inviting.  As a 20-something American who fell into marketing by mistake (I was acting in New York City of all things and started doing some marketing outreach for a local business just to pay the bills), I never thought I’d be working with a company in the heart of Edinburgh where magic is always a possibility and we always seem to be on the brink of revealing the next big thing.

I imagine it’s much what Steve Jobs felt like in pushing Apple to be its best.  Always reaching for the new, the innovative, the cutting edge.  When they released the iPad, I was skeptical because I didn’t know why anyone would need a “pad” when they had a laptop with a keyboard, but the next thing I knew, I had an iPad – and so did everyone around me.  He made me need something I didn’t think I even wanted.  I can’t go anywhere without my iPad.

I think that’s what technology invites us to participate in.  To engage in what we don’t think we even want and to find out we actually need it.  We discover it is valuable and efficient and exceptionally fun to embrace the new.

And technology permeates everything.  From hospitals to schools to businesses to our homes – it’s even something we teach our kids.  The skillset is invaluable.

I suppose that’s why it’s been such a treat for me to work on the marketing campaigns for LiveCode.  Because if there’s a product that can teach everyone to code and enable everyone to create apps, I think we’re on to something that we need when we didn’t even think we wanted it.  I think we’ve found the next big thing.


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Jana DoughtyLiveCode Magic

How I Almost Wasn’t a Coder

by Steve Robinson on November 19, 2014 3 comments

When I was first introduced to coding, I was so put off that I wanted to give up right away and never touch it again.

It’s a good thing I gave it a second chance. Learning new things can be daunting, and coding is no different. It all comes down to how it’s taught.

The Computer Wouldn’t Listen to Me

In my first year of A-Levels, I took a computing course with a crazy red-haired teacher who kept her dog locked in her car all day. This did reflect on her teaching ability.

There wasn’t really a structure: it felt like a coding nerd at the front of the class trying to explain ideas she didn’t really understand. Her enthusiasm was there, but it wasn’t coming across.

Coding appeared to be this mysterious thing, where you had to be a certain level of nerd with a pasty quality to your skin to get it. Being from Cornwall I had the skin part covered, but for some reason that wasn’t enough. It still looked like a weird combination of symbols, jumbled together by some crazy person. I figured that taking a course in Computing would unveil this mystery, and allow me to delve into the inner workings of a computer. Instead, the class clouded it further.

I saw a computer as this powerful thing that makes fun things like games and clever calculations I could never perform in my own head. I wanted to take the ideas from my head and turn them into something cool, but the damn computer just wouldn’t listen.

A teacher’s job isn’t just to teach you, but to inspire you to learn. I wasn’t inspired. I was bemused, baffled, and belittled. It made me feel like I had to be Stephen Hawking to write even the simplest line of code.

What Changed My Mind

One simple conversation changed everything.

A few years later, I was having a conversation with my dad, telling him how I took this computing class, yet I knew nothing about computers. I was still keen to learn, but I was also very much put off. He gave me some wise advice: Google it.

So I did. I discovered a whole world of coding and other related courses, and I hopped on one: Stanford’s Programming Methodology, by Mehran Sahami. It was awesome. The course used Java, and gave an even friendlier introduction by first teaching about Karel the robot. This little critter changed my life.

It was problem solving in its purest form. I was writing Java programs, but using calls like turnLeft(). English! The computer was finally behaving itself. I was making that little guy pick up beepers all over the place! A chequer board of beepers? No problem for Karel!

My computing teacher’s mistake was diving in the deep end on day 1, trying to explain software, when really, I needed to grasp the fundamentals first. At the end of the day, the software languages and toolkits that we use are just that: tools. Just like a hammer or a screwdriver is to a maintenance guy. The root of it all is problem solving, and this course hopped straight onto that. It didn’t feel like the monster that I thought programming was – it was like solving a puzzle, in my own language!

Once I progressed, with the help of Karel, Mistress Coding was unmasked. Actually, we had been writing Java programs the whole time. We then learned the fundamentals of the Java language, through more games: Block breakers, Hangman, Tetris. Every video game nerd’s dream.

The course was on YouTube, so you could pause it, rewind it, whatever. It was explained concisely, and taught in the familiar way that I had learned Maths and Science courses. On top of it all, Mehran’s enthusiastic delivery was so inspiring. Not that it would have made any difference to me, sitting in my chair at home, but every time students in the real classroom got a question right, they’d get a sweet.

At the end of the course, I was inspired, excited, and I finally felt ready to take some of my ideas and have a computer implement them, just like I’d dreamt of doing years ago. The computer was finally listening to me, the barrier was broken.

A World Wide Web of Resources

It’s really thanks to the coders that I discovered coding in the first place. Geeks at places like Google and YouTube that we might take for granted every day. Through Stanford’s online course I was able to learn coding in an unconventional classroom, even though it wasn’t my subject at uni.

Coding really is something that anyone can do, from the homeless to the ambitious historian, with the right introduction, and some perseverance anyone can code. Thanks to the Internet, the tools are there. The help and support are there, even.

Now I’m working with LiveCode and have found yet another intro to coding that would have given my computing teacher a run for her money. Perhaps LiveCode could be your Karel the Robot?

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Steve RobinsonHow I Almost Wasn’t a Coder

Markingdown The User Guide

by Elanor Buchanan on November 18, 2014 4 comments

Since LiveCode went open source we’ve been able to accept community contributions to LiveCode itself, but one area we haven’t had available properly is documentation.

Documentation is one place where we know that community contributions would be really valuable, and where people who don’t want to get into the workings of the engine can still share their expertise.

We have a long list of improvements we want to make to our docs, and one of the things near the top of this list is our guides.

Currently we have 6 guides available from the Developers page  plus the User Guide available within the LiveCode product, under the Help Menu. We are planning to update the Documentation portal in the product in preparation for Widgets, allowing us to display all our guides and API documentation, as well as any Widget documentation, in a single place.

The plan is to write all our guides in Markdown, a plain text formatting system designed so it can be converted to HTML for display. This will also allow us to add the guides to GitHub, which allows display and editing of Markdown files written in GitHub Flavored Markdown

Happily the guides for Beginners, Developers, Mobile, Desktop Externals, iOS Externals and LiveCode Server were initially written in Markdown, so only some small tweaks were needed to make them GitHub flavored. The User Guide however was another matter.

Note: throughout this blog I’ll be using StackEdit, an in-browser markdown editor to show my Markdown source and the rendered HTML.

What did I need to do

The first step in preparing the User Guide to be brought up to date was to convert it from a Word document to Markdown.

To do this I chose to use Pandoc, a universal document converter which can convert from Word to Markdown, as well as a variety of other document formats.

Pandoc has a lot of options, allowing you to specify how you want the ouput formatted. In this case I want 

ATX style headers

Markdown offers 2 styles of headers, Setext and ATX.

-Setext headers underline <h1> headers with equal signs and <h2> headers with hyphens.

– ATX headers put 1-6 hash marks at the start of a header. The number of hash marks corresponds to the header level.


Pipe tables, this means any tables in the Mardown will be formatted as below

| First Header  | Second Header |

| —————- | ——————-|

| Content Cell  |    Content Cell   |

| Content Cell  |    Content Cell   |


  Extract media

  This option extracts images and other media to a folder, and includes the image references in the document.

pandoc -f docx -t markdown_github+pipe_tables --atx-headers --extract-media=images -o UserGuide.docx

The result



This looked good and I was pretty happy with the result. There were headings of different levels, italicised text, links and bullet points. All in all pretty good for 1 line in the command line.

But wait, something was missing. In the User Guide the System Requirements section is marked as a note and highlighted in a box. This additional formatting hadn’t been included in the Markdown file. As I scrolled though the Markdown document I noticed a few cases of lost formatting which would need a little extra work to include in the Markdown.

The reason that this additional styling did not persist after the conversion is that there were custom styles in the Word document that did not convert. Having looked into it I couldn’t find a simple way to include these in the Markdown conversion but if any Blog readers know of a way please do leave me a comment.

Tips, Notes, Important and Caution warnings

The first thing I noticed was that Tips, Notes, Important and Caution warning were no longer highlighted as described and used in the User Guide.





I wanted to ensure these sections would be highlighted in the Markdown version using  Blockquotes, denoted in Markdown using >


> **Note:** This is  a note.

Displays As


But first I had to find all the Tips, Notes and Warnings in the original document. Each type was highlighted in a different color, could I use that to find pull out the relevant text? Yes, by converting the Word document to HTML I could find all the text contained in colored boxes and pull it out.

I then created a very simple stack to find the Tips. Tips are included in a yellow box, in the HTML source this looks like

<P LANG="en-US" STYLE="margin-right: 0.42cm; margin-bottom: 0.42cm; background: #fefec2; line-height: 0.39cm">This style of text box tells you about an alternative way to do something or describes a shortcut.</P>

So all I needed to do was to find all the occurences of this style of paragraph, pull out the text and that gave me all the tips. Then I repeated this for Notes, Important and Caution, just changing the code to look for the relevant background color.

I created my stack, added a field and imported the HTML source into it, then added a button that would output the tips it found to the message box.

on mouseUp

   local tPosition, tPosition2, tPosition3, tPosition4

   local tSearchTerm   

   put “<P LANG=” & quote & “en-US” & quote && “STYLE=” & quote & “margin-right: 0.42cm; margin-bottom: 0.42cm; background: #fefec2; line-height: 0.39cm” & quote & “>” into tSearchTerm

   repeat until matchChunk(the text of field 1, “(” & tSearchTerm & “)”, tPosition,tPosition2) is false      

      get matchChunk(char tPosition2 to -1 of field 1,”(</P>)”,tPosition3, tPosition4)


      put char tPosition2+1 to (tPosition2 + tPosition3) of field 1 & return after msg

      put empty into char tPosition to (tPosition + tPosition4) of field 1

   end repeat

end mouseUp

The matchChunk function returns the position of a given substring in a string, so by searching for the <p> and </p> tags that describe the Tip style of paragraph I could extract all the tips.

I then used the lineOffset function to find the line numbers of these lines in the Markdown file and prepended them with > **Tip:**

 repeat for each line tTip in tTips

      put lineOffset(tTip, tMarkdown) into tLineNumber

      if tLineNumber is not 0 then

         put “> **Tip:** ” before line tLineNumber of tMarkdown

      end if

   end repeat

I then repeated this process for the Notes, Important and Caution sections, just checking for the correct background color in each case.



The next thing I noticed was that tables weren’t displaying quite correctly.



The reason for this was that Markdown requires tables to have headers, whereas the tables in my Markdown documents were formatted like this, with no headers.


| **Windows, Linux and Unix keyboard shortcuts** | **Mac OS equivalent** |

| Control                                                                                       | Command                            |

| Alt                                                                                                | Option                                   |

| Right-click                                                                                 | Control-click (or right-click if you have a two button mouse) |


My first thought was to take the line after the separator and move it above, like this

| **Windows, Linux and Unix keyboard shortcuts** | **Mac OS equivalent** |


| Control                                                                                       | Command                            |

| Alt                                                                                                | Option                                   |

| Right-click                                                                                 | Control-click (or right-click if you have a two button mouse) |

This would have worked in this example as the first line happens to be the headers but there are many instances where the table doesn’t actually have headers, so this would not work.

Instead I decided to add empty titles to each table. Again this was simple to do in LiveCode. In this case because I wanted to step through each line in the Markdown file and rebuild it with extra lines in some cases I created a new Markdown file from the original.

 repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in tMarkdown

      put line x of tMarkdown into tLine


      if tLine begins with “|—” then

         ## This is a table separator line

         if char 1 of line x-1 of tMD is not “|” then

            ## If the previous line is not part of the table then

            ## Create a header line with the correct number of columns

            set the itemDel to “|” 

            put the number of items in tLine into tItemCount

            repeat with y = 1 to tItemCount

               put “| &nbsp;” after tMarkdown2

            end repeat

            put “|” & return after tMarkdown2


            ## Copy the original line the new Markdown

            put tLine & return after tMarkdown2


            ## Copy the original line the new Markdown

            put tLine & return after tMarkdown2

         end if


         ## Copy the original line the new Markdown

         put tLine & return after tMarkdown2

      end if

   end repeat

This method could probably be optimised but as it should (hopefully) only be run a very small number of times I did not take the time to optimise it.

The resulting Markdown

|&nbsp;                                                                                         |&nbsp;                                   |                                


| **Windows, Linux and Unix keyboard shortcuts** | **Mac OS equivalent** |

| Control                                                                                       | Command                            |

| Alt                                                                                                | Option                                   |

| Right-click                                                                                 | Control-click (or right-click if you have a two button mouse) |


The resulting display


Code Sections

The final challenge was to find all the code sections. I had hoped to use the HTML source as I did for the Tip sections but while the Tips and Notes were unique enough to use lineOffset to find them in the Markdown this wouldn’t work for phrases like “mouseUp” or “answer”.

Instead I set the htmlText of a field and then used the property to find all the pieces of code and their associated full lines. I do this by finding any text  that appears in the courier font.

   repeat with tLineNumber = 1 to the number of lines in the keys of tStyledText

      repeat with tRunNumber = 1 to the number of lines in the keys of tStyledText[tLineNumber][“runs”]

         if tStyledText[tLineNumber][“runs”][tRunNumber][“style”][“textFont”] is “courier” then

            put tLineNumber & tab & tStyledText[tLineNumber][“runs”][tRunNumber][“text”] & return after msg

         end if

      end repeat

   end repeat

This gives me a list of line numbers and the text that should be put into code blocks. GitHub markdown has two styles of code highlighting, in-line and code blocks. Inline code has backticks around it e.g.

When the mouse is released a `mouseUp` message is sent.

Blocks of code and fenced by 3 back ticks e.g.

` ` `

on mouseUp


end mouseUp

` ` `



Once I have this list I can step through each code block, decide whether it is inline or a code block and update the markdown based on this.

   repeat for each line tCodeBlock in tCodeBlocks

      put item 1 of tCodeBlock into tLineNumber

      put item 2 of tCodeBlock into tCode


      if tCode is line tLineNumber of tMarkdown then

         ## Code block

         put “` ` `” before line tLineNumber of tMarkdown

         put “` ` `” after line tLineNumber of tMarkdown


         ## Inline

         replace tCode with (“`” & tCode & “`”) in line tLineNumber of tMarkdown

      end if

   end repeat

This can result in multiple code blocks together, one after another e.g.

` ` ` on mouseUp` ` `

` ` `doSomething` ` `

` ` `end mouseUp` ` `

These should be combined into a single code block, one way to do this is by replacing (“` ` `” & return & “` ` `”) with return, using 

replace (“` ` `” & return & “` ` `”) with return tMarkdown

so the markdown above would become

` ` `on mouseUp


end mouseUp` ` `

The final step is to ensure there is a new line before and after code blocks to ensure correct display. This can be done using

 replace “` ` `” with (return & “` ` `” & return) in tMarkdown

so the Markdown above becomes

` ` `

on mouseUp


end mouseUp

` ` `


After completing all these steps code blocks display as below





Final steps

After all these steps the Markdown version of the User Guide was pretty complete. There was a little manual work to do, just passing over the document and making sure everything looked ok but it saved a lot of work and got the User Guide into a good state for updates and contributions.

Coming soon

We still have some work so do polishing and updating the User Guide and other guides, and we need to decide on the best way to get them into GitHub ready for contributions but we’ll be keeping you posted as work progresses.

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Elanor BuchananMarkingdown The User Guide

Racing to a Temporary Fix

by Peter Brett on November 13, 2014 8 comments

Recently, I’ve been spending most of my time working on a Secret Project* for LiveCode 8.0.  But the remainder has been spent on my other areas of interest: Linux, server-side LiveCode, and security. Today, we’re going to touch on all of those topics.

Temporary files

You will often find yourself using temporary files. For example, sometimes your app will need to run some other program, and will need to provide it with an input file.  Or perhaps you receive data over the network, and need somewhere to stash it while waiting to decide whether to put the data into long-term storage.

LiveCode provides some tools for working with temporary files. In particular, there is the tempName function, which generates a uniquely-generated filename.

For example, if you write

put the tempName

in the message box on Linux, you might see something like:


So, the simplest way to create a temporary file for your LiveCode server app to use might be something like:

-- Don’t do this
put the tempName into tTempFile -- 1. Generate a filename 
open file tTempFile for write -- 2. Open the file

Why do I say not to do this?  It’s because of a very “classic” programming problem called a “race condition”.  Read on for an explanation of what this is, how it can affect your app, and how to avoid it.

Race conditions

Modern operating systems can run more than one program at a time.  There are two ways in which they can do it:

  1. if there are multiple CPUs available, then each of them can simultaneously run a program
  2. the operating system can switch the program that each CPU runs at any time (this is called “pre-empting” a program)

Now suppose two programs are running, and suppose that there’s some resource that only one program can access at a time. If the two programs try and access the resource at the same time, then the one that happens to be very slightly faster will “win” the “race” and get to use the resource, while the slower program has to wait its turn.

File creation is a common cause of race conditions. Recall that if you open a file for writing. e.g. with

open file tFileName for write

but the file called tFilename doesn’t exist yet, the operating system will create it for you. But if another program creates a file called tFilename just before you try to open it, you’ll open that file instead of getting a newly-created file.

Let’s go back to the temporary file example, this time with some more comments.

-- *Please* don’t do this
put the tempName into tTempFile -- 1. Generate a filename

At this point, you know that tTempFile doesn’t exist. But don’t forget that other programs might be running on another CPU, or that your app might get pre-empted after step 1, and get stopped for a while.  This could mean that by the time that the next step happens:

open file tTempFile for write -- 2. Open the file

tTempFile might now exist, having been created by another program.

On Linux, and in certain circumstances on other platforms, any program running as any user can create files in the /tmp/ directory.  There are many examples of Bad Things that can happen if someone can control the files that your app writes to, including loss of data or even damage to your operating system.

You can find more in-depth discussion of this problem and some examples of the aforementioned Bad Things in the Mac Developer Library, and much much much more in David Wheeler’s Secure Programs HOWTO.

What can we do about it?

Fortunately, there’s something that can be done to work around the problem: you can use a temporary folder instead of a temporary file. However, the procedure is slightly more involved.  Let’s go through it step-by-step.

-- 1. Make sure that other users can’t read/write into the
--    directories you create
set the convertOctals to true
put the umask into tSaveUmask
set the umask to “0077”

There’s a special property called the umask which can be used control the security settings on the files and folders that your app creates.  Setting it to “0077” will ensure that only the user that your app’s running as can access any of the files or folders that your app creates (apart from system administrators).  Note that you need to enable the convertOctals first (or the security settings won’t be applied properly).  In this example we save the previous value of the umask so that we can restore it at the end.

-- 2. Keep trying to create temporary directories until we get
--    one that doesn’t exist
local tTempDir
repeat forever
   put the tempName into tTempDir
   create folder tTempDir
   exit repeat
 catch e
   if there is a folder tTempDir then next repeat
   if there is a file tTempDir then next repeat
   throw e
 end try
end repeat

Unlike the open file command, the create folder command always causes an error if the requested folder already exists.  This way we can remove the race condition!  If another program simultaneously attempts to create the same tTempDir or a file with the same name, then we can easily detect it in the catch and try a new folder name. Of course, if some other error occurs, such as running out of disk space, then it is important to make sure not to block it.

-- 3. Now we can create temporary files in that directory
put tTempDir & “/tempFileNameHere” into tTempFile
open file tTempFile
-- ... and now use the temporary file! ... --

With the temporary directory having been successfully and securely created, you can go ahead and create as many files in it as you like, without any need to generate filenames or worry about race conditions (because no other non-administrator users can read or write the tTempDir).

-- 4. Reset the umask
set the umask to tSaveUmask

Hopefully this step is quite self-explanatory, unlike anything else I’ve written today.


Even something as simple as creating a temporary file can pose unexpected hazards, but LiveCode provides the tools to steer safely around them. For server-side LiveCode apps running on Linux, I recommend using temporary directories rather than temporary files to improve robustness and security.  For other apps on other platforms, the simple approach may be enough most of the time, but using a temporary directory won’t hurt!

*The project is so secret that I have cunningly hidden all of the code in my Github repository.
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Peter BrettRacing to a Temporary Fix

Use the Web Browser

by Neil Roger on November 11, 2014 9 comments

Being able to implement a web browser instance in your LiveCode app is nothing new, but the way it can now be implemented is.

Previously, you were dependent on the machine that your app was running on having a compatible web browser installed. LiveCode then hooked into these browsers which then created an instance within your app using Internet Explorer on Windows and Safari on Mac. This could lead to inconsistencies across the platforms.

Note: Mobile have their own native browser implementations so we won’t be dealing with them in this article.

No longer are these dependencies required, and it’s possible to create a standalone app with a browser instance that will run on any platform (Linux coming soon). But how is this possible?

As of LiveCode 6.7, our dev guys implemented the Chromium Embedded Framework which is used for embedding chromium based browsers within an application. More information on this can be found here.

Now, you may be asking.. “What are the benefits of a browser in my app Is it not just for viewing webpages?”..So with that in mind, hopefully the following short list will give you some ideas of what is possible with the CEF browser

Very Simple File Manager

Looking for an easy way to browse files on your computer? Then look no further! Creating a CEF browser and then setting its URL to the following results in quite a nifty little file browser. nb: When I say simple, I mean simple. This method only allows you to open basic text files and view images.


revBrowserSet *browser Instance id here*, "url", ("file://")



HTML 5 based webpages.

HTML 5 is the way forward in regards to web technology so much so we will soon be allowing our users to deploy straight to HTML 5.

The CEF browser has fantastic HTML5 support and ranks high in the system. So integrating content rich web based media within your LiveCode app is simple. The following is running an interactive 3D simulation in a LiveCode stack:

revBrowserSet *browser Instance id here*, "url", ("")



 Remote PDF Viewer

Previously, you had to have plugins installed for a browser instance to open and display a PDF. This is no longer the case. With the new CEF browser, you can view PDFs from a remote source as long as the web page is formatted correctly. In this example I am using Google’s Embedded PDF viewer.

More information on how to create such a viewer can be found here.

I then simply set the URL of the browser instance to the URL provided by this Google service:


In-built Video support 

Unlike the previous non-CEF browser, we no longer need a media player such as Quicktime installed in order to play many of the media types available to us. As long as the video/audio is in the appropriate tags within a web page, the content should play.

<video width=”320″ height=”240″ controls>

<source src=”movie.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>

<source src=”movie.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>

Your browser does not support the video tag.




In-built audio support 

This is just like above but instead of video, we are dealing with audio

<audio controls>

<source src=”horse.ogg” type=”audio/ogg”>

<source src=”horse.mp3″ type=”audio/mpeg”>

Your browser does not support the audio element.




Better all-round net compatibility

 Being a more up-to-date browser implementation means that it will be compatible with all web pages that are thrown at it. Previously, on Windows, the older browser instances would throw Javascript errors when visiting a page that was not fully Javascript optimised. These errors were obtrusive and required users clicking an OK dialog to dismiss them. This is no longer the case as the CEF browser handles these types of pages flawlessly.

An example of such an error, which should now be resolved with CEF can be found in the following forum post:

Javascript communication

Previously it was possibly to execute Javascript within a browser instance directly in your app, now it is also possible execute script within your app via Javascript which is executed in the browser. This opens up a whole world of interactivity between your app and any web pages you are viewing. The best way to show this is to take an excerpt of Ben’s Summer School 2 session and make it available for you to watch:


Now that you know some of the neat things you can do with a browser object its over to you to take things further! If you do decide to use a CEF browser in your next project, please let us know as we are always interested to see what our users are doing with LiveCode.

Get LiveCode 7 today!

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Neil RogerUse the Web Browser

The Psychology of Clothes

by Heather Laine on November 5, 2014 2 comments

Recently, I’ve been occupied with shipping out LiveCode 7 branded T-Shirts to purchasers of our special 7 launch bundle. Visualising all you guys and gals unpacking the parcel and wearing the T-Shirt got me thinking about what people wear, why, and how it affects their day to day activities. 

While we were designing the T-Shirt, I discovered that some members of staff have strong views about what kind of shirt they will wear, and what they won’t. We do have the full spectrum here in the team, from staff members its an effort to persuade to wear at least something without holes in, to those who would not be seen dead in any kind of T-Shirt and don’t own a pair of jeans. We have a  “Smart Casual” official policy for our staff, which I think is a kind of extension of our company culture, and reinforces our desire for a workplace where people are creative, comfortable, and valued. Having staff turn up wearing scruffy jeans and baggy tshirts leads to a general air of disreputableness and disrespect, but insisting on a shirt and tie every day would make most of our development team very uncomfortable.

However, I myself and many of you, our users, work from home. Does it matter what I wear? Or what you wear? I think it does. Theoretically, I could sit here at my computer wearing a dressing-gown and slippers, and none of you would be any the wiser (aside from the risk of a sudden Skype with video).  In practice, I dress if not as formally as I would for the office, at least respectably. I don’t feel I would do as good a job if I did not dress for it. It would be a very interesting experiment to run! So interesting that a little googling finds that studies have in fact been run on this question. Enclothed Cognition is the term being invented for the concept. Apparently wearing a doctors lab coat while performing intelligence tests results in better performance – but only if you are told it’s a doctors lab coat, not if you think it’s an artists jacket.

Which brings me on to my thoughts on confidence. Dressing in clothes you like gives you more confidence, which you then are able to project onto your work and your interactions with others. Confidence is attractive therefore you look and work better in clothes you like. So, if you like our LiveCode 7 T-Shirt, you’re going to look great wearing it! Care to send us a photo? 


What do you think? Does it matter what you wear? If you work at home, do you dress up for work? 

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Heather LaineThe Psychology of Clothes