Breaking the Rules: Female Dominated Company Wins Tech Contest Entering the Global App Market

by LiveCode Team on February 20, 2015 2 comments

The technology world is a male-dominated industry (except for a few famous female CEOs and several successful girl coders). While male coders still get surprised seeing female programmers at the next desk, more and more girls are taking math exams to enter the IT departments of universities. This means the tech industry is changing and those changes will be evident soon.

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LiveCode TeamBreaking the Rules: Female Dominated Company Wins Tech Contest Entering the Global App Market

Trade Shows – Are they worth the Expense Report?

by JoJo Hernandez on February 18, 2015 1 comment

To Trade Show, or Not to Trade Show? Now that is often the question!

I know a lot of people have varying thoughts on Trade Shows. Should I attend? Is it worth me trekking X miles across the country (often to another country or even continent) to hear a lot of “Sales Chat?” My answer to this is always: Yes.

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JoJo HernandezTrade Shows – Are they worth the Expense Report?


by Heather Laine on February 17, 2015 No comments

LiveCode saved us a huge amount of time and money, whilst delivering a robust system which met our complex business needs.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Software and Kids Care Clinical Library

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Heather LainePEMSoft

New York Law School

by Heather Laine on February 17, 2015 No comments

LiveCode is the one programming system that enables content experts to focus attention on their areas of expertise, without the distractions of mastering the arcane syntax and byzantine rules of other languages.

New York Law School in Manhattan is one of the oldest independent law schools in the United States. Their mission is to provide diverse routes to achievement through innovation in scholarship, service, and professional training.

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Heather LaineNew York Law School

Volunteer Scheduling System

by Heather Laine on February 17, 2015 No comments

Rotunda Software

“LiveCode has been an excellent choice for our client side platform. It has enabled us to create a powerful cloud based software application which is has become well established and used by over 2000 organizations to schedule thousands of volunteers daily”.

Many non-profits such as Churches, Health Clinics, Call Centres and Political Campaigns are dependent on volunteers for the activities they undertake. However the associated scheduling process is highly complex and if it is not done correctly can end up losing volunteers through mismanagement, poor communication and time wasting.

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Heather LaineVolunteer Scheduling System


by Heather Laine on February 17, 2015 No comments

Cross Platform & Cloud Document and Records Management System

We would not have considered developing our system had it not been for the multi-platform capabilities in LiveCode, it would simply have been too costly.

Frontwalker was founded in 1996 and has grown to become of one of Sweden’s leading IT consulting firms, working with large public and private sector customers.

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Heather LaineFrontdocs

ERP Systems

by Heather Laine on February 17, 2015 No comments

Encres Dubuit is a French manufacturer of screen-printing inks, well established in a number of international markets and listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.

Dubuit chose LiveCode to extend the company’s new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Here’s what General Manager, Christopher Dubuit, told us.

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Heather LaineERP Systems

East Lothian Local Authority

by Heather Laine on February 13, 2015 No comments

East Lothian Council has selected LiveCode to be deployed across all secondary schools in the region.

This initiative supports a drive by East Lothian education authority to revolutionise the way computer science is taught in secondary schools by ensuring students gain a practical insight into computer studies. The deployment took place in stages over the course of 2012.

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Heather LaineEast Lothian Local Authority