A Toast to the Global Jam

by Ali Lloyd on October 8, 2015 1 comment

The global jam is over! First thing’s first: apologies for the toast/jam pun, I probably shouldn’t have skipped breakfast.

Life is somewhat back to normal here at LiveCode HQ – although there are some tired faces (probably due to the fact that most of us were chatting LiveCode well beyond our scheduled hours). This is a testament to those of you that participated in and engaged with the event productively. It could only have been successful with the full support of the community!

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Ali LloydA Toast to the Global Jam

How Film Sets and Coding are Equally Important

by Jana Doughty on October 6, 2015 No comments

Edinburgh. Raining. The whinny of a horse blares through the window, as numerous bowler hats and long skirts walk past. We hear “Action,” more whinnies, and then “CUT!”

Thistle Street Lane South West, where LiveCode lives, is dressed with Victorian influence from fake bricks layered over the real ones that line the street to fake poo that’s sprinkled on top of the straw next to the goats and chickens.

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Jana DoughtyHow Film Sets and Coding are Equally Important

GDIT – Greg Warneford

by Gregory Warneford on September 29, 2015 4 comments

Do you use Rapid Application Development?

Ever wondered how it can help you create your apps that much faster?

Gregory Warneford discusses how Rapid Application Development helps him and the US Navy.

Rapid Prototype Application Development at GDIT

General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) has been using LiveCode and its MetaCard antecedent for several years in its Newport, Rhode Island office.  LiveCode is used by GDIT Naval Operations Subject Matter Experts (SME) to develop functional prototype applications. Prior to working with LiveCode, the SMEs had little to no software programming experience or formal training.  The prototype applications that the SMEs make are then used as templates for formal Java development of fielded systems.

The rich development environment and simplicity of the LiveCode IDE allows for the rapid design and development of complex applications.  In fact, recently, a number of LiveCode one-off applications have been delivered directly to Navy customers as small single-use tools (not intended for navy-wide distribution). 

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Gregory WarnefordGDIT – Greg Warneford

Why Rainbows and Leprechauns Cut no Ice in Edinburgh

by Heather Laine on September 23, 2015 27 comments

Quite a number of users are asking why the Feature Exchange? Why do we not just produce these features for you, without asking for (yet more) money?

Let me pose a different question:

How do you fund development on a complex and powerful open source tool which requires large amounts of love, care, attention and development?

Money does not grow on trees, nor is there a pot of it at the end of the rainbow. We know. We’ve checked.

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Heather LaineWhy Rainbows and Leprechauns Cut no Ice in Edinburgh

How to Make LiveCode 8 Great With The Global Jam

by Ali Lloyd on September 16, 2015 36 comments

Code Health Warning: This article contains Really Important Information for your code. Especially if you are not yet using LiveCode 8.

LiveCode 7 – The Stepping Stone

As those of you who have followed us for awhile will know, in order to achieve the vision we have for LiveCode and to provide the bedrock for a more capable, flexible future, we undertook a large refactoring project. That effort was completed successfully as the principal purpose of LiveCode 7.

Refactoring the entire engine doesn’t in itself offer a lot to the end user, however in this case it did make it possible to add transparent Unicode support, GTK support and 64-bit Linux amongst other things- projects which would have been huge upheavals by themselves.

LiveCode 7 was always intended as a stepping stone to the next generation of LiveCode releases. As great as it has been as a stepping stone, the time has come to focus on the end result of all this effort: LiveCode 8.

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Ali LloydHow to Make LiveCode 8 Great With The Global Jam

How to Build Your Terminator Brain

by Hanson Schmidt-Cornelius on September 10, 2015 2 comments

Do you like the Terminator films?

Would you like to build your own Terminator?

Here is a recipe for some of the components involved. As science is progressing, the two most challenging aspects to producing an autonomous agent like the Terminator are the energy supply and the processing capability that allow the Terminator to operate in a dynamic environment.

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Hanson Schmidt-CorneliusHow to Build Your Terminator Brain

How Editing Large Scripts is Faster!

by Peter Brett on September 3, 2015 1 comment

In LiveCode 8 DP 4, we added the exciting new ability to create HTML5 standalone apps that run in a web browser.  But that’s not the only new feature in the open source edition!

When editing very large scripts with lots of handlers, it can often be difficult to find the handler you want in the handler list view. Now you can use the filter field to quickly narrow down the options to the one you’re looking for.

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Peter BrettHow Editing Large Scripts is Faster!