Map widget coming to LiveCode

by Steven Crighton on February 22, 2016 3 comments

mergMK is a LiveCode MapKit external that adds a map control which supports showing user location with heading, adding annotation pins and polylines. Create stunning interactive maps with ease. Important: The Map Kit framework uses Google services to provide map data pre-iOS 6. Use of specific classes of this framework (and their associated interfaces) binds you to the Google Maps/Google Earth API terms of service.

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Steven CrightonMap widget coming to LiveCode

LiveCode Services

by Steven Crighton on November 24, 2015 No comments

Did you know that LiveCode offers professional services?

To help our clients deliver we have added new features to the product, enhanced existing features, prioritized project critical bugs and provided training sessions to doctors. We are currently in the process of providing architecture advice on a rather interesting security tech project. Our expertise has helped our customers overcome the pitfalls that were delaying their projects.

Don’t just take our word for it…

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Steven CrightonLiveCode Services

Community Outreach in NYC

by Steven Crighton on February 12, 2015 3 comments


LiveCode in New York

Are you in or around New York for the next month or so? Join the app coding movement when Livecode brings #EveryoneCanCreateApps to communities throughout New York City. Events will be taking place from February 17 through March 9, 2015. The training sessions will include hands-on presentations and discussions about; coding and app development, small-business optimization, entrepreneurship, career-change and the huge job opportunities that remain unfilled for people with the technical coding skill set.

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Steven CrightonCommunity Outreach in NYC

The Work of an Awesome Coder

by Steven Crighton on December 18, 2014 3 comments

Did you join the LiveCode Hour of Code? I did. Ok sure I was still on company time, so I was getting paid for it, but let me tell you – I am impressed with how awesome a coder I am.

Awesome coder – too much? I built the messages app and the user interface for the calculator app in 1 hour, that sounds to me like the work of an awesome coder.

Here’s the proof of my success with the Create it with LiveCode Hour of Code. Note – the below is not a screenshot directly from the iphone, it’s actually what I made in 1 hour! Seriously!

Here is the best thing about this demo and the Create it with LiveCode course – Everyone Can Do it. Everyone Can Be An Awesome Coder, Everyone Can Create Apps.

If you didn’t get a chance to catch the demo – it has been recorded and all the materials have been stored on the LiveCode hour of code page.

It’s a short blog post, but trust me, go check out the video, build these apps, get ahead of the game and if you can – get signed up to the Create it with LiveCode Course, it’s gonna be fun.

Happy Holidays Everyone

Steven Crighton

Digital Marketing Manager

Awesome Coder

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Steven CrightonThe Work of an Awesome Coder

This is One Powerful Crowd

by Steven Crighton on July 27, 2014 20 comments

Over the last 13 months since being with LiveCode the strength and loyalty of this community has never failed to amaze me. We are a bigger & stronger community than we have ever been and that is very powerful. It means that all of us together can control the future of our product.

In 2013 we ran our first Crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and this is where we stood up and showed the world that the LiveCode community is here to make a difference. We are here to make a better coding experience and we are not stopping until we achieve that.

A few months ago Kevin Miller LiveCode CEO (my boss) approached me about running a crowd funding campaign to bring HTML5 Web Output into LiveCode. My first thought was not worry or fear, it was excitement. I was so impressed that we were making a decision to go big, we were not sitting back on our 2013 success, we were saying, well we ain’t done yet, so let’s make a better LiveCode and let’s do it now. My second thought came in the form of about a million questions and I want to try and take you through that journey now.

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Steven CrightonThis is One Powerful Crowd