Our new no-code platform, initially funded under the codename “Xavvi”, will be launched under the name of LiveCode Create. This decision has been made after a great deal of discussion, internally and externally, and we’re very happy that it reflects the direction for this product.
Why the change?
After trying it out on a sufficiently large number of people from a variety of backgrounds, it became clear that Xavvi has many different possible pronunciations. Do you say Savvy? Zavvi? Havvi? Zhavvi? We’ve heard all of these and more. When it is only spoken and not written, it is difficult to guess at the correct spelling. This would have put the product at a disadvantage in search engines. If you say it Savvy, it makes sense for the product, but otherwise it has no particular meaning.
Create is for Creators
We like the name LiveCode Create because this no-code environment is aimed at creators, makers and innovators wherever they are and whatever walk of life they are in. Create your business startup with it, or create a robot controller. Create something to run your restaurant or automate your business processes. LiveCode Create as a name is a great fit for this amazing tool.
Part of the Line-up
Using the format LiveCode X, allows us to seamlessly add this new offering to the rest of the product lines we offer – LiveCode Hosting, LiveCode for FM, LiveCode Desktop Editor, LiveCode Services etc. We retain our branding but add a great new product to it.
Coming soon
So enough about the name… where is LiveCode Create right now? I’m happy to say that after spending several weeks in closed testing with a very small group of alpha testers, we’re about to go wider and give early beta access to all the backers of the Xavvi campaign. Quite soon after that we expect to make a public beta available so that the rest of you can get your hands on it and take a look at the future.

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