Day 3 – Coding & World Leaders at Davos

by Todd Fabacher on January 25, 2016 No comments

Today was all about coding and world leaders. Almost every conversation I had eventually focused on how coding is the future and a key to success. My conversation with, who was incredibly knowledgeable, focused on utilizing the power of objects to shield the complexity of development from students when they first start. I explained that this is the power of LiveCode and why a simple syntax English like language is far better than Scratch from MIT. Kevin and Steven, he suggested you double down on Code Day and contact him directly when LC8 with widgets is all out because he was amazed that one language could do all the platforms including HTML5…mark it on your calendar:

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Todd FabacherDay 3 – Coding & World Leaders at Davos

Day 2 in Davos – Security & Wireframing

by Todd Fabacher on January 21, 2016 2 comments

When I arrived in Davos yesterday, the word for the day quickly became security. Not just police and normal security, but hard core military, Given the state of affairs in the world today it is understandable, but it is shocking to see them on almost every corner.

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Todd FabacherDay 2 in Davos – Security & Wireframing

Planning for better at the World Economic Forum

by Todd Fabacher on January 20, 2016 2 comments

LiveCode evangelist Todd Fabacher from Digital Pomegranate is in Davos this week at the World Economic Forum. Todd will be creating a series of blog posts from Davos talking about the advantages of LiveCode as he creates a business planning app in just 4 days.

It’s 5:00 am and I’m looking at the majestic Mt. Ararat in Turkey from the window of the Armenian airport in Yerevan. I started reading an article about how entrepreneurism and technology will have a massive impact on Iran now that the sanctions were lifted this past weekend. Since Iran is just down the road from where I am now, the impact seems to be even more powerful and has been the topic of conversation here. I am not boarding a flight back to New York this time, but to Zurich Switzerland and then by train to Davos to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

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Todd FabacherPlanning for better at the World Economic Forum