Ready? HTML5 Deployment for LiveCode Announced!

by Ben Beaumont on June 27, 2015 6 comments

How is HTML5 development going? When will it be released? For months your questions have flooded our inboxes, forums, and social channels. We understand: HTML5 is certainly an exciting prospect. Developing a cross platform application for mobile or desktop – or even both – has made LiveCode into a hugely popular tool. Adding web deployment to that list is another leap in the right direction and it will save time and costs for LiveCode users. So how is HTML5 going? When will it be released?

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Ben BeaumontReady? HTML5 Deployment for LiveCode Announced!

Write a Widget in 8 Steps

by Georgia Hutchings on April 30, 2015 15 comments

Ever thought that your LiveCode project could be improved by a custom control? Perhaps you want to add a rounded rectangle push button to your stack, where the border color is different to the text color? Maybe you’re thinking of building an app with 10 cards, and each card needs a header bar, and each header bar needs a label, a button, a background graphic, a line graphic… Getting tired just thinking about it? Enter widgets.

Widgets are controls that can be dragged from the tools palette and dropped onto your stack. In LiveCode 8, users now have the ability to write their own custom controls, or widgets, in the new LiveCode Builder language. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the widget writing process in LiveCode Builder, from the very start to using your end product in a LiveCode stack.

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Georgia HutchingsWrite a Widget in 8 Steps

Documentation, Documentation, Documentation

by Ali Lloyd on January 22, 2015 14 comments

Rejected ideas for this blogpost:
a) A meditation on the validity or otherwise of an oft-repeated quote attributed to Dick Brandon on the utility of documentation, whilst delicately avoiding the object of the quote’s comparison.
b) A rehash of Tony Blair’s 2001 speech on education, with the word education replaced everywhere by the word documentation, Labour with LiveCode, etc etc, you see where I’m going with that.
c) An entire blog post written in the style of the documentation format, with some kind of tortured wordplay involving the words “meta” and “documentation” as the title.

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Ali LloydDocumentation, Documentation, Documentation