Our first day of the three day conference went tremendously! It was really exciting to connect with all you lovely LiveCode users out there, and the menu of great talks and workshops seems to be going down a treat. I’m going to try and share with you a flavour of the event.
Using Zoom Events
For the first time ever, we’re trying out using Zoom Events for this conference, and while there are still a couple of days to go, and there have been a few hiccups, overall I’d say this has been a great choice. It allows for the most interactivity we’ve ever had online, we can see and talk with you, our audience, and there are many flexible features we’re finding useful. I particularly like the Lobby, where you can select sessions, see a livestream of sessions ongoing, bookmark interesting sessions and join the general chat. I really like that it translates the time of the sessions for your timezone, avoiding all the usual confusion.

The Talks
Each talk has a tiny survey after it asking how happy the viewer was with the talk. Out of all the survey ratings so far 0.45% have said “ok” or “not great”. That means 99.55% of you have been happy or very happy :). Our speakers must be getting something right! So far we’ve had the packed with info Keynote and built a Web App with Michael, Steven, Panos and Monte. There have been talks on our “Vulcan” build bot, Syncing Data across Devices, how to Automate PDF forms with LiveCode Server, Small Press Management, and Javascript APIs. Not to mention 3 highly popular workshops. Here are just a handful of the comments so far.
On Building a Web App: Great overview of the app; appreciated the messages of a) looking/using what’s already out there; and b) quickly prototyping (not letting perfection get in the way of starting).
Feedback on Server Smackdown Workshop: Christopher did an EXCELLENT job sharing a real-world web project built with LiveCode Server. At this time, there’s an unfortunate dearth of documentation and examples for LiveCode. Hopefully his code can be shared by LiveCode to deepen the LiveCode Server documentation/resources pool!
Keynote Feedback:  It is always fun to hear about (rather likely) upcoming features. And presenting overall strategies concerning new directions and markets that the company is working toward is a nice way to easy old-timers into change. :- )

The Quiz
What happens if you tell a bunch of programmers you’re going to run a pub quiz? Well, this:

Our evening entertainment was much enjoyed by those who attended. Possibly not as much though as our team enjoyed creating the quiz. Ali Lloyd produced the questions, Steven Crighton skinned the app, Monte Goulding and Charles Warwick did the programming… and if you are a ticket holder you can see how it’s all put together in Charles upcoming talk “AWS and LiveCode Server”.
Coming up on Day 2
On day 2 we have an all day Hackathon running, with some great prizes on offer. We also have two packed tracks of talks, ranging from Submitting to the App Store through using REST Api’s, and a demo of a tool for holding virtual events created in LiveCode… I’m excited to see that one, I wonder if it is even better than Zoom? Also of course we have the Day 2 Keynote from our inimitable CTO Mark Waddingham.

The Recordings
Top FAQ of the conference – will it be recorded and when will I get access to the recordings? Yes, the whole thing including the Workshops is being recorded, and everything will appear in ticketholders accounts after the event. This is good news if you haven’t yet got a ticket – you can purchase it now and you’ll get all the recordings to review, rewind and watch again whenever you need to. This will include all stacks, samples or slides provided by the speakers. Want to grab a ticket? Go here.
The Future
Announced in the keynote, we are looking at a year of progress for the LiveCode technology like no other in our history. To help you keep up with the changes, we will be running a year long LiveCode Global event, starting in May. If you register for this event before the current conference is over (it ends tomorrow, 27th April 2022), you will also get to join in an hour of live Q&A with Mark (CTO) and Kevin (CEO) every month during the training course. Learn more about this and register for LiveCode Global 22/23 – The Year of Reinvention – here.
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