When might it be a good idea to get outside help with your app? You’re a developer, nobody knows your code like you do – so why would you need expert help with it? Here are some of the top reasons that people come to us with a project they would like us to complete.
1.) You’ve run out of time
Happens to everyone. You started that app full of excitement and got a good long way with it, but then life happened. Your code is still gathering dust on a corner of your hard drive waiting for you to have the time to come back to it. Meanwhile, OS’s are moving on, customer expectations are changing, new options and competitors are appearing… Maybe it would be a good idea to get someone else to complete that code and get it out there, in the hands of your clients or customers.Â
2.) You don’t know how to implement a particular feature
You have just that one gnarly problem left. You know it can be done, but you still haven’t figured out how. You could spend another week or three trying to figure it out yourself – or you could get an expert team to just sort that out for you. Then you’ll know how it can be done for next time – we’re always happy to provide training as part of the task.
We did this on a recent project for a client and here is what he had to say about the experience:
LiveCode was invaluable in adding artificial intelligence (AI) to my School Psychological Report Writer AI program! My consultant, James Conway, was extremely friendly and knowledgeable. He listened to my plan and asked pertinent questions about my project. James implemented AI and made suggestions that were extremely valuable. My experience with LC was both very positive and productive!
Charles Szasz, Developer
3.) You need a feature added to LiveCode
You can get almost all the functionality you want but there is something that we haven’t yet implemented for LiveCode. When you commission us to add such a feature, you can feel doubly good about it – you got the feature you wanted, AND we added it to the engine for others to use in the future. (Sometimes, if it’s a real edge case, we do add it just for you, but whenever we can we include new features in the main LiveCode engine.)
Some features that made it into LiveCode via this route are Google Sign in, the Signature widget and enhancements to the Android Background Audio library. You know who you are! The community thanks you.

4.) You don’t want to jump through hoops to get your app into the app stores
We know. It’s painful. All those certificates to sign, and procedures to follow. We’re happy to deploy apps for you to the iOS, Android or Mac app stores. Once it’s in there for the first time, updates are generally easy for you to do yourself.

5.) It all works but UI design is not your thing
You’re a developer. Unless you work for a larger business with the capacity to employ graphic designers and UI experts, chances are that your user interface could use some love. The issues might be “just cosmetic” but your customers are going to judge your app on what they see and if it ain’t pretty, they might just move along to the next app. We have the resources to make your app really shine and we love doing it. Let us give your app a facelift.
6.) Your code works but you aren’t sure if its safe, secure or best practice
We do code reviews. We can identify weaknesses in your code and advise you on security issues. We can help make your code solid and easily maintainable for the future.

We love working with our LiveCode community to get beautiful, functional and successful apps shipped. If you have something you’d like us to consider, please just get in touch!
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