App Development in a Day is an introduction to the tools you can utilise to develop your own apps in a test environment using LiveCode and the NHS Code4Health Platform. The aim of the course is to stimulate creativity and collaboration between healthcare professionals, developers and designers who wish to form communities and create innovative solutions to meet patient needs.
Morning Session
The morning session will introduce you to the LiveCode Development Environment and will allow you to familiarise yourself with using LiveCode to create an app.
As an example we will be re-creating the Calculator App found on the iPhone. An online version of this tutorial is available below, and is included on the USB provided on the day.
Afternoon Session
This afternoon session will allow you to use the skills and knowledge developed in the morning session to implement one of 3 example apps using LiveCode and the NHS Code4Health Platform.
The session will cover development of the app and connectivity to the NHS Code4Health Platorm. The aim is to show you some of the features that can be included in apps and give you a jumping off point for your ideas.
PEFR Monitor
Handover Note
Decision Support
Ongoing Development
After completing the App Development in a Day course we hope you will be inspired and have ideas of your own for creating apps.
On this site you will find all the information you need to install LiveCode, set yourself up for developing for Mac, Window, Linux, iOS and Android and get started with app development.
We cover installation, a guide to the LiveCode platform, tutorials for the apps you created on the day and for two other sample apps.
There are also links to resources and support for LiveCode development and other useful sources of more general information about app development.