Course Description
We made an amazing discovery. Teaching people how to build apps by teaching them to code works only for a few. On the other hand, teaching people to build the best apps in the world is incredidbly successful and gives individuals all the skills they need to make their app ideas a reality. 93% successful to be precise! Because we all understand how these apps work we intuitively know how to put them together. Coding principles are introduces seamlessly as we build, making the process of learning to code and build apps simple and engaging. In 2014 the world bank invested $5,000,000 in a group of top US businessmen and asked them to generate a return on $25m in a developing country of their choosing. One of the them chose to use his share to upskill a group of complete beginners with app building skills in Armenia. He chose LiveCode and started teaching them to build the popular iOS/Android apps before investing in their own app ideas. Over 90% of the participants not one built their own apps after completing the course, but went on to start their own businesses. The Create It course was born.