Infinite LiveCode
Join in the most important campaign for LiveCode of 2016. Help us take the next steps to build on the momentum already created with our Widget Building Language: LiveCode Builder. We need to make wrapping functionality from C/ObjC/Java and accessing system API calls, better, faster and easier. We need this in all editions of LiveCode so that you, the community, can get stuck in with building fabulous widgets and adding popular libraries from outside LiveCode. If we succeed, thousands of useful C/ObjC and Java libraries will become available to use in your own application or to develop the widgets we know you want. We will build the LiveCode ecosystem to a point where it can truly take its rightful place beside more well known languages.
**Campaign Update**
As a community we successfully funded the core goal and the first two stretch goals in the infinite LiveCode campaign meaning that Foreign Function Interface, an SQLite library and Full cross platform audio recording is on its way to LiveCode. Thank you to everyone who got involved.
We got so close with the final stretch goal, in fact we made over $10k of the $15k required for the native field widget. We have decided to roll over this part of the campaign into a new Feature Exchange to finish funding that stretch goal. We have already pledged the amount overfunded from this Feature Exchange. You can view this campaign here.
The Next Steps – Widgets v2
The current implementation of widgets in LiveCode 8 is just the first step into revolutionising our platform. Now we need to build version 2, to allow you to really broaden the scope of the widgets and libraries you can add, easily and seamlessly, to LiveCode. Read this letter from our CEO, Kevin Miller for why we need to do this together, now.
The LiveCode Builder language is used to build very high level features you use every day. One of the key features of LiveCode Builder is the ability to call functions in lower level languages such as C. However, in version one it has limitations.
While you can already talk to simple C libraries we need to extend this to support accessing more complex C libraries, Objective-C and, Java and C++ on every platform. We need to enhance the native layer support – the ability to plug in OS and third party components and create many more objects like the new Browser Object in 8. With version two of LiveCode Widgets you’ll be able to easily wrap any native library or object on every platform. Need to embed a native field on Android and iOS? Use Widgets v2 – or a widget someone else created with v2. Need to access audio recording features on every platform? Use Widgets v2 – or a widget created by a community member. Want to create a new database wrapper? Use Widgets v2…. Ad infinitum.
Our target is to allow you to easily and seamlessly access functionality from C/Objective C/Java or system device API’s, wrapping it as a library or bringing it into LiveCode as a new widget. Success will mean that the old Externals API for LiveCode can be permanently retired.
Here is what we will do
Core Goal
Foreign Function Interface
We will make sure LiveCode Builder can be used to write the glue code necessary to call foreign functions easily. This is the fundamental part everything else is built on. We will write a tool which converts high-level spec files for libraries and their functions into Builder modules which can be used by anyone.
- You’ll be able to wrap complex C libraries on any platform. (You can access C in Builder today however the syntax for doing it is fairly basic.)
- You’ll be able to access Java libraries on Android and Objective-C on iOS & Mac
- We’ll complete the set of features for working with each of these languages to make it easy for you to work with them all.
If we reach $40,000 all this is yours, this summer. We’re pledging the first $10,000 ourselves. Help us get it done.
To get this core functionality, we only need to reach $40,000, the project will fund at this point.
Stretch Goals
All of these stretch goals will be accompanied by full documentation and training materials so that they can be used as examples for you to build your own widgets. For each goal achieved we will also extend the basic Widget Building Course so that we build these extensions together, complete with a full set of lessons, Google hangouts and source code.
Stretch Goal 1 – SQLite Library – REACHED.
Write a LiveCode Builder library which uses the SQLite library wrapper to expose the functionality to LiveCode Script, fully documented so that you can use this as an example to write your own widgets.
Read more about the SQLite Stretch Goal here.
Reach $47000 for a neatly wrapped SQLite database you can access anywhere
Stretch Goal 2 – Full Cross Platform Audio Recording – REACHED.
Write an extension which hooks into the engine’s record syntax and uses the various audio recorder APIs (as exposed by the wrappers for the appropriate APIs on each platform), again fully documented for your edification
Find out more about the Full Cross Platform Audio Recording Stretch Goal here.
Reach $55000 to record sweet music on Android as well as iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux
Stretch Goal 3 – Native Field Widget –
Write a widget which uses the native field library to produce a drag-drop native field widget for iOS / Android. This will form a template that you can use to wrap any other native platform control.
Make the final grand target of $70,000 and take LiveCode to Infinity and Beyond.
Here are some examples of what you could wrap with Widgets V2:
- An analytics library and provide in app analytics
- In-app advertising libraries for banners and advertising in your apps
- A testing library and provide testing software
- Text to Speech for Android
- Video libraries
- Math libraries
- Graphic libraries
- Communication libraries
- Compression libraries
- Document libraries
- GUI libraries, XML libraries
- and the list goes on…
There is so much functionality that exists out there. Successful completion of this campaign will allow you to access this functionality easily within your own projects or to develop widgets to distribute with the LiveCode community. 1000 widgets by Christmas is entirely doable, and why stop there…
Engineer’s White Paper
Read this white paper to see how the LiveCode engineering team will approach this task. This is a complex technical document showing how we intend to solve these tricky problems. If you would like to read the full document, you can view it here. Be warned. It is highly technical. We’re doing all this so you don’t have to understand every detail it describes.
Infinite LiveCode
We will deliver the project within a three month window on successful completion of the campaign.
Every platform that gains critical mass does so because of the wide range of components available to plug into the platform. Let’s build thousands of useful widgets together and let’s start this summer.
Any feature you might need is going to be at your fingertips to wrap. Imagine knowing that you or dozens of people in the community can bring the functionality of any Java library into LiveCode? Or incorporate any object that Apple brings out for iOS or Google brings out for Android? Imagine being able to download that functionality and drag it out from the tools palette every time one of these things is wrapped by a community member.
If we can fund this now we’ll have this with you in the summer of this year, 2016, as opposed to summer 2017.
Pledge today.
Join the conversationStephen - May 12, 2016
I can not wait for Infinite LiveCode. This is the logical next steps for the growth of this platform, which we all love so much, so I urge everyone to chip in an take this over the line like we have always done. For us at Ezektec Inc. we are 100% in support of this campaign and will drum up support for it. Excellent work Kevin and team, we are solidly behind you.
James - May 12, 2016
Kudos to the team to keep driving forward. I’ve backed a number of projects awaiting the day I will return to use live code . And all these objectives are important and valid. I have been waiting for a mobile debugger to make this a product that I can use commercially. It didn’t make the cut last round of financing. At this point I have abandon my mobile dream for live code and focus on a better mobile platform as there are now a number of options. It is not my wish but a commercial reality
Mark - May 13, 2016
The training in this objective is worth a bunch of money alone. I was happy to contribute and believe it will provide a really useful addition for the community, and for me personally. Thanks Kevin and team!
Dave - May 14, 2016
I believe in the product LiveCode. So if a $100 donation can help to enhance the capabilities of the product yet keep it convenient and easy to use then that is worth it. I hope numerous others using and benefitting from LiveCode feel the same as well. Good luck, LC Team!
Erik - May 16, 2016
Everyone who is using LiveCode as a professional developer or hobbyist should pledge NOW for Infinite LiveCode. Beside of former kickstarter projects this is a milestone in the further grow of LiveCode as an easy to use cross-platform development tool.
Via LiveCode Builder we can use the same easy syntax of LiveCode Script to get access to native API’s of the current supported LiveCode platforms. And it will be much more easy to develop cross-platform as LiveCode Builder grow towards an Open Language platform in future.
I have had my doubts in the past about the support of developing externals to get easy access to other platforms but not now anymore if this step can be done. So don’t hesitate and pledge what you can. Respect for the LiveCode team!
Sean - May 16, 2016
Like many others here I think this is the single most important update to LiveCode in it many years of life. I thought it was part of the original plan for v8 but I think it is worth additional funding to make it happen. So looking forward to it becoming a reality. Mark’s recent blog entry (https://livecode.com/infinite-livecode-an-example/) highlights just how beautifully easy it will be to create externals. Big up the LiveCode Massive!
Alberto - May 17, 2016
Congratulations for this decision. It will open a very wide horizon to any developer.
With infinite livecode I think that we will break resistance to adopt livecode for any size and complexity of projects. Again many thanks to all livecode team. Alberto Meguira
Massini - May 17, 2016
That would make Livecode the ultimate tool…. GO FOR IT !!!
Todd - May 17, 2016
We have decided to add an HUGE extra incentive. LiveCode + WordPress!!! Two great Open Source platforms. Have you ever wanted to extend LiveCode to the web? Now you can…
Jim - May 17, 2016
That is a fantastically generous incentive. Thank you.
Jim Lambert
Roland - May 18, 2016
Is this for $40,000 ot $70,000? To me not so clear. Besides this, I support full heartedly and pledged.
Heather - May 18, 2016
Our base goal, at which the very basic project will fund, is $40,000. We will do the Foreign Function interface for this. To fund the whole project including worked examples, training webinars and 3 fully built widgets using “widgets2” we need the full $70,000. To do a proper job we need $70,000. For the basics, $40,000.
Mark - May 18, 2016
I am happy to contribute towards this project as well. I would have liked to have seen Google Golang “Go” wrappers, but maybe in the next round:)
Researchware - May 18, 2016
I hope that the “Old Externals API” will not be retired too quickly so as to allow people who may have proprietary Externals ample time to migrate them.
Mark - May 19, 2016
A Personal Challenge
In the last couple of days, 173 backers (excluding Livecode) have contributed $22,833 towards the Infinite Livecode campaign (or about $130 dollars each). So first a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed because I know times are tough. But I also know this is an incredible deal. First, we expand our developer base from a handful of great contributors in Edinburgh to well, frankly, all of us. Yes, with Infinite all of us can contribute in real and meaningful ways to the development of Livecode. That’s HUGE! Second we get Todd’s wonderful offer of an OPEN SOURCE version of his wrapped WordPress functionality so (a) we can see how to do that and (b) we can build really great e-commerce sites for fun or profit. We get both of these for what? $130 ??!? Wow, that is an amazing deal.
So, here’s my challenge: I know we all know this is worth way more so I just went and DOUBLED my contribution. If you have contributed already I challenge you to do the same. I know, it’s going to hurt. I really do… I’ve been there But only for a second and then you are going to feel really great about what you’ve just done for Livecode and for yourself personally. I guarantee that. As for the rest, if you have not yet contributed, we need your help too. So I challenge you to contribute what you can. That’s all I ask: contribute what you can. Because in this campaign every dollar is going to count towards something great.
Thanks, now go double down!!
Peter - May 19, 2016
OK Mark you’ve sold me … I have also doubled my pledge! Apart from the significant further advance in LC capability that the “infinite” campaign promises, there is the compelling and generous WordPress wrapping bonus prize to be had if we can push a little harder and get to the 40k by close of play on Friday. Come on folks … we’re so close that it can’t not be allowed to happen 🙂
Dave - May 20, 2016
I’ve also gone double – keep on pushing till we get to the other side!
Mark - May 21, 2016
Thanks Peter, thanks Dave. I hope others follow in your footsteps. And Todd, your offer is sooooo tempting. Although I am not sure I can dig that deep. Still, it’s on my mind 🙂
Nicholas - May 22, 2016
Just went double. Lets keep pushing.
Todd - May 20, 2016
Several people have emailed me directly and asked if I can consult and help them get their first project off the ground using the WP and LiveCode libraries.
So I will make this offer, for the first 10 people who give $500 to the campaign from now, Digital Pomegranate will give 5 hours of One-To-One help on getting WP setup properly, using the Code, designing the App, OAuth 2.0, the business angle of how to charge more for cloud enabled Apps and anything else you wish to talk about. We spent over a year and have learned from all the pitfalls, so get your App to market quicker and more stable.
Just make you pledge and soot me an email. I usually charge $300 / hour for App Architecture, so this is a great deal!!!!
Mark - May 21, 2016
Super thanks Todd. Your offer is sooooo tempting 🙂
Todd - May 21, 2016
The key to making money in the App Business is making it cloud based. By connecting your App to a web presence, you will be able to change $24.95 per month [which is the the average for B2B services). Even if you only get 500 -1000 customers, you will be making $12,500 to $25,000 PER MONTH!!!
There are only a few spots left to get One-on-One attention on getting your in the App Stores and making you REAL money and not in your dreams.
Mark - May 22, 2016
What’s your email?
Todd - May 22, 2016
tfabacher [at] gmail
Ralph - May 20, 2016
Everyone who is using LiveCode as a professional developer or hobbyist should pledge NOW for Infinite LiveCode. +1
I went 2.5 times my original thinking. I started to think how LiveCode opened up a whole new revenue stream for us. We’ve had a LC powered mobile app in the field (iStore/PlayStore) since 2012 with ONE code base! 13,000+ lines of code with maybe 1/2 dozen “if iPhone” or “if Android”. We were/are commercial printers so going mobile was a natural progression. LC made it easy. Infinite LiveCode will open up endless possibilities.
Releasing LC 8 was a serious milestone for the LC team(standing O). Let’s get past the $70,000.
Stephen - May 21, 2016
First stretch reached! WTG!
Stephen - May 21, 2016
First Stretch goal reached!
Keep it going all!
Dave - May 22, 2016
I did it! I tripled my pledge from $100 to $300. I really don’t have much to give but I really like using LiveCode. It is much easier to learn than Swift and/or Java. It has empowered this beginner mobile programmer to quickly start developing an app for multiple platforms from a single set of easy to read code. Thus, I consider my pledge a smart and good investment for the continued enhancement of LiveCode to further benefit and convenience novice programmers like myself. Every professional developer or hobbyist programmer that has used LiveCode and realizes it’s awesome potential should dig into their pockets and donate ASAP. Please help support the future of LiveCode!
Sean - May 22, 2016
Yeehaw. Over $50,000 and 24hrs to go. Will we make the last 20k? Wish I could offer more but I’m planning on making a trip to Orkney Islands in July and Edinburgh in August. And software dev doesn’t seem to be as lucrative for me as it is for others here.
Sandro - May 23, 2016
If everyone who has already joined the campaign adds $ 8 get at least the second goal. What do you say?
Simon - May 23, 2016
I get to say I just pushed us over 55K and I don’t even need audio on mobile.
It’s like helping a drunk friend get home.
Steven - May 23, 2016
Due to a server glitch which has now been fixed you were unable to login and pledge towards Infinite LiveCode. To compensate for this glitch we have extended the campaign deadline by 2 hours. This campaign will now end today at 9pm GMT, 1pm PDT, 4pm EDT. Everything is back working as normal. You can login and make your pledges now.
Christopher - May 23, 2016
Hoping to see this fully funded… I just doubled my pledge! Come on, everyone, we can do it!
Jim - May 23, 2016
Just upped my pledge too. Let’s get this horse over the finish line.
Sandro - May 23, 2016
Need more time to achieve the goal, I have already contributed $ 200 and I can not pay more.
In the first campaign there were 3,342 backers, in the later 200-300, we are always the same to support the projects … All must contribute perhaps with a few dollars otherwise you will always make it will be increasingly difficult to achieve the goals.
Anyone who has the slightest interest for LiveCode put its commitment.
Martin - May 23, 2016
Just doubled my pledge again. In for $1000 now. Almost at $60K with 89 mins to go. Almost there. Hopefully seeing the total pass $60K will inspire a few more to make a pledge or up their pledge.
Tommy - May 23, 2016
I’m trying to contribute, but all that happens after I log in is that the page reloads with a “Back This Project” button. Maybe the problem is that I’m using IE 11 on a Windows 7 PC?
Tommy Simmons
Heather Laine - May 23, 2016
How much do you want to pledge and with what account? Email me at support@livecode.com and I’ll see if I can pledge it for you.
Dave - May 23, 2016
Hi – I’ve already doubled my pledge – but I’ll add another $250 to it if I can find another person who’ll do the same.
Reply to this comment and/or contact me directly and we’ll make a pledging pact – who’s up for this?
Sandro - May 23, 2016
I love LiveCode I added another $ 60. (total $ 260)
Come on !!!
Sean - September 25, 2016
What happened to this?? Campaign quote::
“We will deliver the project within a three month window on successful completion of the campaign.
If we can fund this now we’ll have this with you in the summer of this year, 2016, as opposed to summer 2017.”
Is this ready? Did it even get started? Where’s our $65K gone? This distresses me no end and knocks my confidence in LC yet again. Please provide me with some comfort
James - February 7, 2017
Can we please get an update to this?
Surely this is not an unreasonable request.
zarrar - February 26, 2018
Is this a dead issue?
LiveCode - April 3, 2018
Hi zarrar, not at all! It is still being actively worked on. It took longer than expected to get all the details implemented. Check out the latest release blog for a rough timeline of what’s happened so far: https://livecode.com/livecode-9-0-gm/. The stretch goals are in progress and currently slated for 9.1