Be Even More Productive Building Business Software
As a business you care about one thing. Delivering the right solution at the minimum possible cost.
We’ve helped tens of thousands of you to deliver great software faster than you could with any other tool or technology on earth. Don’t take our word for it. On average businesses that adopt LiveCode for serious projects told us that they save $96,000 a year. Annual savings on professional software development ranges from $10,000 to over $1M. You told us that these benefits are delivered by reducing the number of developers you need on a project and making it easier to write the software.
Fewer Developers, Easier Development

LiveCode solutions are used in 129 countries and across virtually every industry.
They range from chart hitting, consumer facing app store successes to field sales systems, in-house systems integration, mobile dashboards and major data processing backend solutions. Companies include KLM, Barclays, Apple, NASA, USGS, Vienna University and hundreds more.
Organizations Using LiveCode

Rapid development that creates unparalleled productivity.
Again and again we hear about how rapid LiveCode is to build software. From prototyping to full scaleable solutions, LiveCode reduces time to delivery, increases efficiency and competitiveness for the organizations using the platform. We’d like to help you enjoy the cost saving, unparalleled productivity that LiveCode brings.
The LiveCode Business License
The Business license provides the benefits you need to ensure serious productivity. We have a full range of options that will provide your business with the capabilities, competence and support it needs to ensure your app can be completed quickly.
The Business License is based on the LiveCode open source platform and adds the features you and your team need to build business software. Business features options include a framework for working efficiently in your team*, a cloud and data synchronization layer*, email technical support, priority features, priority bug fixes, developer team hiring*, training and certification*. You must be a current Business license holder to use any of these benefits.
* = These features are under active development or in beta and coming soon. Please contact us now to discuss your requirements.
Build a Solution That Suits Your Business
Additional to the base features in any active business license, you can choose from a list of optional bolt on features to ensure your project requirements are met.
Email support
Our highly experienced technical support team understands every aspect of software development. Send us your technical questions by email and we’ll respond within 2 business days. Our support team are experienced in fielding questions on everything from data synchronization, to data visualization, to graphics performance. With email support you have all that knowledge at your fingertips whenever your need it. Our customers tell us time and time again that our email support service is truly excellent and saves a great deal of time and effort.
Business Application Framework
The Business Application Framework (BAF) brings LiveCode’s productivity advantages to your team. The framework makes it easy to write robust, reusable, object-oriented (OO) code within LiveCode, cutting your development costs. By separating views from your data you can instantiate multiple views of the same or different data quickly and easily. This framework is currently in beta testing. Please contact us for more information.
Cloud Data Storage and Sync Framework
This framework makes it easy to store data locally, on a server or in the cloud. It supports hosting your data in an SQL database, on a cloud hosting service or locally and can sync when connected.
This framework is coming soon. If you are interested please contact us to discuss your requirements so we can ensure the first public release of this framework will fully meet your needs.
Priority Bug Fixes
Priority fixes allow you to move your bug fix to the top of the queue. If you encounter an issue that is critical to you we’ll start work on it immediately and then do a new build for you as soon as it is fixed. This capability gives you peace of mind when you’re on a critical deadline.
Phone or Skype Support
Want a more in-depth discussion than you get with email? With Phone or Skype support you can schedule a phone or Skype call with one of our experts. Discuss your problem in depth and we’ll do everything we can to help.
Access to LiveCode Services
As a Business license holder you will have exclusive rights to our service offerings to better support you and your development projects.
Hack Days
Choose up 4 members of our expert team to spend a day working with your team (on your site or on our site). Discuss architecture, solve technical problems or write code together. This is a great way to kick-start a new project and make all the right decisions at the start.
Code Reviews
Schedule a review of your code with our experts and get feedback on your coding style, structure and maintainability. Use the code review to plan an upgrade path for your solution or to report back to your client or management on the quality of the code.
Architecture Advice
Schedule a day with one of our senior architects to design the right architecture for your project. We can cover a broad range of subject areas and have worked with hundreds of companies to help them take the right architectural decisions. By ensuring you take the right decisions early on you can be confident your solution will be fit for purpose from the start and save on maintenance costs later.
LiveCode Test Suite
Would you like to ensure we test every new version of LiveCode against the feature set of your app? With this option we will include your project securely within our LiveCode test framework. This means that each new version of LiveCode has already been tested with your project before you even get the build, saving you time in the future.
Developer Hiring Services
Do you need more LiveCode developers on your team? Let us run the recruitment process to help you hire a the right new LiveCode developers onto your team. We can also provide optional training to the new developers.
Have a question?
+44 (0) 845 219 8923
Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm GMT.
Our team is here to help