Converting from HyperCard

Jacqueline Landman Gay

Jacqueline Landman Gay

Jacqueline Landman Gay has been a landmark in the LiveCode community since its inception. She has deep knowledge of using the program and runs the successful HyperActive Software consulting business. She was leader of the HyperCard Forum on America Online for many years, moderates the HyperCard Mailing List, and has been both a speaker and instructor at a number of annual LiveCode developer conferences. She also has a great love of parrots.

Converting from HyperCard

If you’ve been around the xtalk communities for a while, chances are you started out with HyperCard. What you may not know is that you can actually open a HyperCard stack in LiveCode, and bring it into the modern world of multiple platforms, new Mac OS’s, colour, multimedia and internet connectivity. There are various pitfalls and gotchas to this process however, which Jacqueline is an expert at navigating. She’ll show you how it’s done in this session. Start rummaging on your harddrive for those old stacks…

Heather LaineJacqueline Landman Gay