Write a Blog the LiveCode Way

Andre Garzia

Andre Garzia

Andre is a writer and developer based in London. He’s a long time LiveCoder and has been a regular face in LiveCode conferences all around the world. Even though Andre should be writing his next book right now, he spends most of his time actually developing his own tools to write instead. You can get Andre’s LiveCode books at https://andregarzia.com/books.html.

Write a Blog the LiveCode Way

LiveCode is uniquely positioned in the development ecosystem due to its versatility. Being able to scale from desktop and mobile all the way to the web and server is not a common feature among the various development toolkits that are out there. Yet, most of the talks and examples surrounding LiveCode server capabilities don’t leverage this flexibility at all. In this session we’re going to build a blog, but we’re going to do it the LiveCode way. We’ll use a novel web development approach, one that leverages LiveCode IDE and desktop features. By the end of this session, you’ll look at doing web projects with LiveCode with a new perspective and maybe do things differently the next time.

Heather LaineAndre Garzia