We are investing heavily in the platform
We’ve increased our investment by 7x
in development…
New Actions Workflow
Build complex workflows with ease.
in DP1

Mix Actions with LiveCode Script
It’s no code, without the limits.
in DP1

Code Behind The Action
Each Action generates code giving the opportunity to learn as you go.
in DP1

⌘cmd+Z Z Z Z
We’ve added multiple undo/redo throughout the IDE
in DP1
Your work is AutoSaved.
Focus on building a great app. We’ll take care of the saving.
Revert to save points
We’re adding Save History along with AutoSave

Work on the desktop, browser, or both!
Two editing environments for your convenience with cloud sharing coming soon.
in DP1

Snap off windows
We’ll deliver a single window experience on desktop, but if you want multi window… Just snap them off.

Gain Productivity with LiveCode’s Co Pilot
Edit Code, Write Code, Fix Code, Add Comments, All with AI
in DP1

primary color
secondary color
text color
Project Level Theming
Managing your apps styling is a breeze in Create
in DP1

Media Management Built in
Control your projects assets and easily attach them to objects
in DP1
Pan & Zoom your Layouts
Zoom in and inspect the finest of details
Very early in development*
Responsive Layout Built In
New container groups make building responsive apps simple.
in DP1

Project Level Navigation
Add Material style navigation throughout your app and control it at project level

Widgets Widgets Widgets
Our basic widget set, it’s not so basic!
in DP1

Circular loading spinner with configurable size and color

Interactive slider with customizable range and labels

Drop Down Button
Material design button with dropdown menu and smooth transitions

Simple List
Material design list with optional item dividers

Text Label
Option for native rendering in HTML

Flexible list component with customizable item templates

Dynamic grid layout with responsive columns and rows

Thin line separator for dividing content

Nav Bar
Responsive navigation bar with customizable links and icons

Date Field
Date input field with calendar picker and validation

Animated charts with a range of options

Progress Bar
Linear progress indicator with customizable colors and animation

Tree View
Expandable and collapsible hierarchical list with nested items

Selectable chips with optional icons and close buttons

Animated checkbox - checked, unchecked, and indeterminate

Responsive image display with optional elevation and corner radius

Circular image display for user profile with optional status indicator

Grid layout for displaying a collection of images

Embedded browser window with Material design toolbar

Interactive star rating with customizable icons and colors

Material design button with animation

Automatic input validation, option for native input

Dropdown Field
Material design dropdown with animation and dynamic options

Navigation Rail
Compact vertical navigation for responsive design

Radio Button
Material design radio button with selection animation

Scrollable tabs with indicator and customizable tab labels

Embedded YouTube player with controls

Embedded Vimeo player with controls

Video Player
Customizable video player with controls

Elevated card with optional actions and media content

Material design table with sortable columns and pagination

Segmented Control
Toggle between multiple segments with smooth transitions
New Cloud Data Store?
Easily build collections for your data
It’s as easy as point and click, start from scratch or build from CSV
DP1 - Local Only
Bind your Data to Objects
Integrate your collection data into your application
in DP1 - Local Only
Easily Filter your Data
With a single action, you can filter the data in your collection
in DP1 - Local Only
Making Integrations Easy
Easily connect with 3rd party services to use them in your app.

Engine Improvements
New Widget Syntax
Refer to widgets as fields & buttons in script. That’s better.
set the color of button "i am a widget" to "blue"