Building a Business Application in LiveCode
Jul 19 @ 6.00pm BST
Christer started programming in the late 1960’s: Algol Elliott 803, Fortran Univac 1008, Cobol IBM OS/360, various assemblers with various large and minicomputers, deep OS hacking, computer graphics PDP-15 Kratos, Apple Hypercard & finally LiveCode. He has also spent 35 years ininternational hi-tech sales to large companies round the world. He lives in Finland.
Building a Business Application in LiveCode Environment
This talk will cover setting the objectives, defining the functionality, specifying data bases and the required U/I, as well as administrator functions. Why you should stick to the basics of system capabilities. Sharing tasks between the device and the server, different possibilities. LiveCode Server and MySQL – solutions to protect data. Maintaining data protection in system communication. Debugging a user’s remote device. Replacing user’s lost or updated device. Performance and reliability.