App Development for Kids
Online coding course for kids aged 10-17

An Exciting Partnership
We’ve partnered with the team at eTeacher Group to bring Tekkie Uni to our audience. Every year 5000 students attend the teacher led online classes to learn how to build apps using LiveCode. We are delighted to see so many young people engaging with LiveCode thanks to the exciting, engaging and highly effective course that the Tekkie Uni team delivers. We are proud to promote this course as the best way to learn LiveCode for students age 10-17 years old.

About the course
32 classes delivered over 9 months with the flexibility built in to suit your child’s schedule. App Development for kids is a great way to learn coding! In this course, students create their own games and apps – learning essential tools, developing their skills and building confidence.
In this App Development course, students will learn the basics of coding apps and games using LiveCode for smartphones. They will write code for the first time, developing and designing their own unique self-made products.

The Tekkie Uni Difference
TekkieUni specializes in operating live-online sessions with full real-time interaction guided by an experienced and attentive teacher. With a little help every child who wants to learn – can!
Learning Together
Learning is all about connecting. That’s why Tekkie Uni use video conference software allowing each small group of children to get to know each other and their teacher. The teacher uses a shared screen option so everyone can see what they are doing on their desktop, and kids can fully participate in the lesson by using the microphone or the chat.
Hands On Experience
In addition to the weekly live lessons, students are invited to join a live weekly Q&A session with a teacher present in class. The session is dedicated to providing personal assistance with students’ projects, exercises and questions. All the live lessons and practice sessions are automatically recorded and available for students throughout the course.
Project Based Learning
Students learn by doing and work on interest-based projects, which creates a fun class dynamic where the answers are not presented, but discovered together.
What the kids are saying about the Tekkie Uni & LIveCode course…
The Next Generation of LiveCoders
We’ve heard time and time again from parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles etc that they want to share their LiveCode experience with the young people in their life. Tekkie Uni is a fantastic route towards introducing them to programming and LiveCode. We could not be more excited about the potential of this partnership. Already there are 3000-5000 young people every year getting their hands on LiveCode and learning the skills needed to build apps. They are excited to keep learning. The future is bright.
What you can expect
If you are interested in getting the kids in your life (age 10-17) into programming and into LiveCode take a look at this sample lesson that shows off the fantastic teaching methods and the learning environment. If you have any questions at all either get in touch with our support team or contact Tekkie Uni directly.
Interested in the App Building course for kids?
The App Building Course for kids is delivered by our partners at Tekkie Uni. Their academic advisors are ready to speak to you about course enrolment. The course consists of 32 classes over 9 months and costs $99 per month. Click the button below to get more details on the course and enquire about course enrolment.